Friday 2 September 2011

Mooooving DAY!! aka...disaster!!

Me and Mel moved our lives into an apartment today!! It sounded pretty simple...a couch was getting delivered with a TV and Mel's bed. We would really only need to move my bed! haha not what happened at all. The movers delivered the couch at 9am and we couldn't even get into the apartment till noon. Mel had to go to the apartment building 3 hours early to sit in the lobby with the couch. haha I was at home doing who knows what...packing I think! Me, Mel and her mom had to move this huge ass sectional into the apartment. It was freaking heavy!!! After all this grunting and moaning getting this huge couch into our apartment we finally go to my car to get my boxes. I go to my car which I parked at the Shell because there was no freaking parking on the street and it's GONE. Like seriously???? 45 minutes...I can understand a ticket but towing my car?? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????? So a nice little move into our dream apartment becomes a freaking grunty sweaty angry mess!!!!! After some swearing/giggling/more swearing Mel drove me to the impound where we eventually get my car back. 150 bucks later....yeesh could have been worse I suppose?? Haha the guy who took me to my car was definitely 90 years old and we were all chatting it up about moving into our new apartment when Mel makes a Sex and the City reference. To this 90 year old man. ha like seriously Mel this man does not watch Sex and the City. He now thinks we're perverted horny girls who get their cars impounded cause they don't know how to park. Super. He was cute though. If I'm 90 and working my life has taken an extremely unfortunate turn. I plan on being filfy fucking rich when I grow up. I'm marrying rich. There's no other options...well besides winning the lottery. I no longer believe in love. I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist....except in the movies :)

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