Monday 31 October 2011


HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! I know this is my third post saying Happy Halloween, but today is the 31st! WOOPWOOP It's also pay day, and I'm leaving work early to get my hair done, AND maybe have a couple wobbly pops at Hudsons tonight with the ladies!!! This day is shaping up to be AMAZEBALLS!!

I had one of the funnest weekends EVER. Friday me and Nicole drank wine and liqueur and ate chocolates and played Rockband and watched Horrible Bosses (HIGHLARIOUS), then watched Get Him to the Greek (also HIGHLARIOUS)!! I couldn't be deathly hungover for Saturday so I didn't to go out on Friday, because Saturday was going to be the funnest. day. EVER.Oh, and it was. I drove up to Edmonton Saturday around 11am to see my sister who's finishing up her schooling there, don't worry, I don't just go to Edmonton for fun...although it was SO MUCH FREAKING FUN!!!! We had burgers, then went to the water park. Alright, this water park is crazy, I don't know how I've never been there before!! It has like 15 slides and ones you can go down on tubes and this super fun one you skid on the water on a floaty. I feel like I've been deprived this being my first time there! I need to go again. ASAP. I also went shopping in Edmonton which was awesome. I bought some Toms, a scarf, and this super cute top I can wear out for cocktails with skinny jeans and heals! After burgers, the water park, and shopping, you would think we'd be tired out...but no my friends!!

It was then time for BOOTS!!! If you like Shrek or really any hilarious movie, you will LOVEEE Puss in Boots. It was SO FUNNY. Omg. I still can't stop laughing in my head. One of the funniest things about the movie was when this guy behind me was killing himself laughing when Puss came across his old friend Humpty Dumpty. Hahaha clearly this man hadn't seen the preview, because I saw that part coming!! We saw the movie in IMAX 3D which was pretty awesome! On our way home from the movie, we stopped at Safeway and got a shit ton of candy and some Pillsbury cookies, and strawberry turnovers!! MMM so delicious. I did miss partying with the girls for Halloween though! Mel and V went to Hudsons and looked so cute in their costumes!! Mel was a present and V was Dr. Love! When we go to Hudsons tonight I'm going to have to go to the dollar store and pic up some cat ears! PROWW!!


Friday 28 October 2011


It just dawned on me what to be for Halloween!! Jules from Cougar Town!!! Now I can chill at home drinking out of Stan (my wine glass that holds a bottle of wine) and be in character!! Best Halloween costume ever. Now I need to go get a wig....and maybe a face life.

Honestly, How did I JUST think of this?? GENIUS!!!


Halloween weekend is upon us, and that means one thing...alcohol!! Oh ya, and dressing up and all that jazz. My friend Robyn is dying my hair on Monday! She's going to school at Aveda right now, and I'm going to be her little guinea pig, now I just have to decide what color to dye my hair!! Right now it's brownish, reddish...I'M NOT SAYING GINGER. In this HORRID lighting it looks pretty ginge, but it's not my fault I'm forced to work under these disgusting florescent lights!

On another note, I'm not going out for Halloween. You heard me. Not going out. I don't have a flipping costume and last time I went to the bar in my costume, aka lingerie I had to leave early because there were grabby hands all over my tushie!! It takes a lot to creep me out when I'm at the bar, and  I usually just take the free drink and be on my marry way, but last Halloween I actually had to leave cause it was too much...haha this was not my fault AT ALL. Girls dress up uber skanky for Halloween, you guys should be used to it by now, and appreciate it!! Tonight me and Nicole are going to watch the hockey game and drink copius amounts of wine, then I'm off to Deadmonton in the morning to see my beautiful sister!! I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO WEST ED WATER PARK and it's happening this weekend!! I'm sooooo stoked, and they have margaritas at the water park!!!!! SHOPPING, DRINKING, and hanging with my smaller half! If I get through this weekend without going out I will be shocked, but it's happening!!! This girl needs to save for VEGAS!!!!!


Thursday 27 October 2011

Death by Flames Game

"Where did you find a picture of a dying moose?" - Kyley
"I'm wearing it...on my face!"- Me

I LOOK HAGGARD THIS MORNING. It probably doesn't help that I wore grey, but i have so many grey shirts and sweaters, even though it's really not my best color...brings out the BLEH..

Don't worry guys, I managed to pull myself together and put on some make-up. The lighting in here is fucking TERRIBLE!!!! TADAAA!!!! And now I'm pretty....alright prettier!! Last night me and Mel went to the Flames game!!! SO MUCH FUN!!! WOOHOO!!! Had some drinks, shared a few laughs, had some more drinks..watched some hockey. We had some pretty sweet seats!

ROW ONE BITCHES!!! We went to the casino where I proceeded to lose 20 bucks playing roulette, and then I poured myself in a cab and went home while Mel played blackjack. OOooh I forgot to mention the casino sandwiches! One of the best things about the casino is their delicious sandwiches! Last night I had a chicken salad sandwich, and Mel got a piece of Hawaiian pizza! NOM NOM NOM. I swear I only had 6 vodka diets over a 2 1/2 hour time period but I am hungoverrrr. I had one of those TERRIBLE sleeps when you wake up every second. It was CAPITAL T TTTERRRRIBLE. I really need to get a new shirt at lunch, this one is super ugly, and I'm wearing a sports unattractive. FACK I keep forgetting I need to go get my car at lunch, if it's even still there. I parked it in a 2 hr parking spot last night so me and Mel wouldn't have to walk to the train, then take the train to the other train...then to the dome...hahhaha coffee anyone? Hopefully I don't throw my accent out into the world this morning, BED WHERE ARE YOU!!!!

Wednesday 26 October 2011

I'm not British, but I can see how my fabulous accent fooled you!

In the Summer, I was ever so fortunate to have met some fine gents from England! I'll give a little shout out to Rrrroossssy, Oli, Wil, and Peter File!!! The Summer was a very drunk time for me, and whenever I was around the brits, this glorious English accent would come from within! Hahaa my accent's terrible, I think it's been compared to a constipated bear or something equally horrible! I was in the coffee room this morning pouring myself a coffee, and one of my bosses comes in and we start chatting a bit. I say to him "would you like some coffee?" hahaha he looks at me intrigued and says "Did you just speak in a English accent???" I say "I don't think so...." He then asks me if I'm from England because I have a great English accent...hahah WTF is happening...I havn't had my coffee yet!!!! If I randomly spew out my English accent soberly when there arn't even any Brits around, and don't even notice, I clearly have issues!! The conversation also took a weird turn when I said I wish I was from England...and he said: "Really?" then I said I don't know....I'm from Saskatchewan....haha which I'm not. I then shoved a granola bar in my mouth and went back to my desk...


Tuesday 25 October 2011

Life you crafty bitch loverrrrr.

My new thing is going to be saving money. It's a little easier in the winter since you stay inside and drink copious amounts of wine and watch TV!!! OMG that sounds amazing right now! I should also start making my own lunches and perhaps make dinner that's not a frozen pizza every night. I had a BRILLIANT idea this morning!! Me and Casey should go visit Paul and Randy for the Remembrance Day long weekend!!! How amazing would that be!! All systems are a GO if Casey can get the time off work, then we're going to blow this popsicle stand and go see PANDY (Paul and Randy...just makes sense).

I'm actually doing work this morning. Shocking I know. I've got a case of the motivation! The girls went to Hudsons last night and I had a night in with wine and Floufy! It was a pretty cute night!! In bed by 10:30, yes please!! For some strange and horrible reason Intervention wasn't on last night. WHAA HAPPPPON?? Haha I thoroughly enjoy drinking and watching Intervention, it's my guilty pleasure!! No matter how fucked up I get watching Intervention, those people are a thousand times worse...although I suppose most of them eventually get sober while I shall continue to sit on the couch and drink till they're on Intervention Season 100. Sounds beautiful!

I've been going through a 25 year old where the fuck is my life going phase lately. Should I go back to school? Should I get another job? Should I go traveling? There's so many things to do!! EEK. I don't know if I'll go back to school. I really don't know what I'd go back for. I pick something and then change my mind 2.5 seconds later, and I want to get a new job but I have booked all these vacations that I have vacation time built up for and if I started working at a different company I wouldn't be able to go on these trips...that I already booked...hahaha fuck see my problem?? Or am I just creating problems so I don't move forward and stay at this dead end job forever????
I'm thinking of traveling next September. I've been to Germany for three weeks when I was younger, and I've done vacation travel spots like Mexico, Vegas, Phoenix, Grand Canyon, California. OMG I want to go to Disney Land again. Right now I'm on my travel plan. My friend Asia is going to Thailand in November for awhile, and I'm so jealous!! She's going to be a guide which is AMAZING, and I want her to be my tour guide! How sweet would that be!!! Oh to be young... haha atleast it's not snowing yet, and it better not snow when I want to go visit Paul or imma be pissssed!!!

Monday 24 October 2011


WE'RE GOING TO VEGAS!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!! Me, Mel, Vanes, and Begin have booked Vegas and we're going February 21st! I am so excited!!! Now I just have to save some money....good luck with that Stephanie.

Phoenix in December, Vegas in February....then it's pretty much Spring and then Summer again :) This weekend was a lot of fun! Friday me and V went to Hudsons and there was some problem with the fire alarm, so while we were waiting in line at 9:30...(fucking Hudsons) four fire trucks showed up and some very attractive firemen went to check out the situation! We took a lot of pictures of these sexy firemen! I went to the women's show with my momma on Sunday and got such a good massage...I could use a massage right now! I'm going to Hudsons tonight with Mel, Kaitlyn and Kyley!!! YAY cheap drinks and best buds!!!!

Saturday 22 October 2011

In my next life....

In my next life I'd like to be a flaming homosexual. Or a cat. I would fucking rock it on 1 Girl 5 a gay, not a cat. I'd rock in bed as a cat...not that I don't right now...haha well this post has taken an awkward turn...


Friday 21 October 2011

I think I need to stop going on POF now....

"You win the prize for THE single GREATEST written profile in the HISTORY of Plenty of Fish! I swear I’m going to print it out and save it on my fridge.....FOREVER! Keep up the good work, you adorable lil nerd you!" 

- 27 year old Plenty of Fish "man"

It's over now. I'm going to Hudsons.

The universe wants me to be single I've decided

Yesterday I was in full "find me a man" mode!! I went on POF and started actually replying to some of the guys who had left me messages, and this one cutie caught my eye. He's only 22 so I just thought we could have some fun and... ya know, so we started messaging back and forth and I let him know I was free Friday night, and he said he was free also. After a little more back and forth chatting, he wrote me: "Are you ok with bi guys?" and I didn't really give it a second thought since I have a lot of gay friends and straight sure bi-sexuals whatever not a big deal. I give this guy my number and we start talking and he's messaging me about making out with guys and how he wants to get with a dude and how guys making out is so I'm like okay, this guy is gay! He then tells me how happy he is he came out to me and how much fun we're going to have at the gay bar and then switches it up in the same text asking what I'm going to wear and starts talking about my thong and how he wants to hold my hand and what sexy outfit I'll be wearing. SO CONFUSING. Anyways, I'm going out with this guy to Twisted tonight....hahaha I'm curious to see what he's like in person!! I don't have a lot of bi friends...gotta broaden my horizon!!

We have an odd plant lady that waters the plants at my office. She has white hair and is about 60 years old. Apparently I was giving off the "I'm single as fuck" vibe because we start talking and she asks me if I'm single. Side note: I'm the worst liar ever, that being said, I reply with: "Yes, I'm single" she says: "Oooooh well I have two single sons that would be PERFECT for you!!!" super plant lady....she continues: "One of them is 31 with 2 little girls and the other is 21 and lives at home with me, would you like to come over to my house to meet him and we can have some appies and wine??" OMG plant lady you're killing me here!!! She sounded soooo excited for me to come over for a glass of wine all I could say was: "Sure, that sounds great." Oh dear god if I actually have to go to her house to meet her 21 year old son I'm going to cry. I need to start coming up with excuses ASAP so I'm prepared.

There is this guy on POF named Dan who's an engineer. BEWARE. We started talking awhile ago, I'd say maybe even a year ago. We were chatting on POF and then I think I added him to my facebook, gave him my number to text, and then he became a stage 5 clinger. I stopped talking to him. Yesterday I start talking to a guy named Dan who's an engineer but has totally different pictures and a new profile so I didn't even make the connection that it might be the same crazy weirdo....we start chatting and I give him my number. He texts me a second later and the text comes up as "Dan POF Crazy" ....super, of course it's the same guy!!! Maybe I'll have better luck today on my search for young love!!

Thursday 20 October 2011

Telling my friend Matt I have a date on Friday....

"I hope he's awesome and you get the shit fucked out of you."

My thoughts exactly!

Wednesday 19 October 2011


Me and Mel are going to start dating, and then tell you all the fun stories :) WOOHOO. By "Me and Mel are going to start dating" I mean men, not each other FYI. Tonight we made some awesome gluten free pizza and then had some awesome wine! I may have had a bottle.....of wine. We're also going to Vegas for my birthday in February. YAHOOOOOOOOOO. I'm excited. My boss told me today I'd be "terminated" if i was late again, and I couldn't stop smiling. I need a new job. Don't worry kids, I have big plans for life!! Go back to school in the fall, work a coupy years, get married, pop out a coupy life :) in that order :) I can't stop eating pizza. DRAMA. haha jk, it's healthy and yummy. WEEKEND!!!! WHERE ARE YOU! So, tomorrow I will find my date and Mel will find her young lover date and we'll have something exciting to blog about :) I've been on a couple dates with these plenty o' fishers and nothing too exciting to write home about. SIDE NOTE: what's the difference between Footloose and Flash Dance? Maybe I should actually watch these movies and figure out what's what! I think I'm too wined up too blog right now. Night night!

Tuesday 18 October 2011


I LOVE when my boss is gone from the office! It gives me the opportunity to do way more productive things with my life other than just sitting here on Facebook. I'm going to go get my hair done!! I need a trim SO badly!!! We're talking split ends and just bleh damaged looking hair, which is weird because I feel like I just recently got a hair cut. IM SO EXCITED!!! What a great Tuesday! Last night me and Damien FINALLY baked this freaking apple pie!!! It tasted okay, nothing amazing. We also went to Double Zero and got a salami pizza and sausage. If you're going to Double Zero I do not recommend the salami pizza. I had a glass of wine and it was delicious :) mmm sweet sweet wine. Tonight I have yoga, which is exciting!! Last time our yoga instructor was talking about motivation and inspiration. I like her little talks at the beginning of yoga, I feel like I learn something everytime, or atleast think about my stupid life and how I should be doing something other than just sitting here on Facebook Monday - Friday 8-5....but a lot of people have boring jobs!! Atleast I have money!! Mmm money. I wish I could blow the money I got for selling my house and just go travel and party!!! My parents are saving it for when I decide to buy another house, but I plan on marrying someone who will just buy me a house. Maybe I can use that money for my elaborate wedding! Although I think I would rather just got to Vegas!!!! I WANT TO GO TO VEGAS!!!! Or the casino. I have not been to the casino since I went with Mel's family in Lethbridge! I want to play blackjack, and maybe a little roulette...and have a glass of wine, and then perhaps have another glass of wine...hmm yoga and wine tonight? I THINK SO!!!

Monday 17 October 2011

Casey's Birthday EXTRAVAGANZA!!!! ....I blame the jello shots....

I had SUCH a great weekend!!! Haha my mouth still hurts from smiling and laughing so much!!! My plan to stay in on Friday was a SUCCESS!!!!! I didn't want to be hungover on Saturday because me and Mel had a full day planned including: Tanning, Shopping, going to the gym and oh ya one more little thing..... CASEY'S FREAKING BIRTHDAY EXTRAVAGANZA!!!!!!! Before getting into the party talk, Friday night I was freaking suzie home maker! My friend Damien told me he had picked some apples in Kelowna and wanted to bake a pie, so I went to my parents house to make the crust and get all the ingredients I needed for the pie, so we could just throw the apples in and it would be easy peeeezy lemon squeeezy!! It's going to be an apple pie by the way...with ICE CREAM!!! Omg i love ice cream :) We're making this pie tonight, and I'm skipping dodgeball because I freaking strongly dislike dodgeball. I really don't know why I joined a dodgeball team when I really hate dodgeball, and I'm TERRIBLE at it. I can't throw, and when balls are being thrown at me I'd rather just sit on the bench. I'm over dodgeball, and I should probably tell our team captain I'm over it. I could bitch about dodgeball for days but that's not what this post is about!!

Moving on...also on Friday I made jello shots for Casey's birthday! I had anticipated quite a few people coming to our apartment to pre drink so I made about 35 jello shots, and you know who drank them all? Me Mel and Casey. yep. That's like 11 jello shots each. Our friend Martina had ONE....haha one. Holy balls to the walls we were hammered. There were roundoffs going on in the living room. I think we all agreed Melissa had the best roundoff, Casey's was more of a fall into the wall...HAHAHA so much fun though!!! We go to Hudsons at around 9:00pm because we have a fear of the line up! Hudsons gets crazy busy if you're not there by 9:30. Some of our friends had to wait in line for an hour and a half. Man me, Casey, and Mel were shit bombed....disasterousss!!
I kept getting vodka diet cokes and I'd look down at my drink and it would be empty already! They were going down a little too easily on Saturday night!!! We were wandering around Hudsons and sat down at this table near the back with a birthday cake on it. Guess what happened to the cake...we started eating it. In our defense, who leaves a birthday cake unattended!! Mmm chocolate birthday cake!!

After we were clearly too intoxicated to function, me and Casey decided to go to Twisted (gay bar). We took a cab to the gay bar, got out, looked around...decided we were too drunk....started to walk the two blocks home, and Casey decided it was too far and we needed a cab...haha 2.5 seconds later we arrive at the apartment, and Casey wants to order pizza. I know if we ordered pizza I was NOT going to be able to stay awake until it arrived so I just started toasting bread. I'm pretty sure we ate a whole loaf of bread that night...and Put everything possible on it. For some reason me and Casey wake up at 6am with an hcore case of the giggles....I finally drag my ass off the couch to my bed, and Casey comes in there for a bit, we talk, giggle, and she goes back to the couch....except she didn't!!! She came back to get something and the way Casey looked with the light from my window behind her I thought she was a freaking ghost!!! Haha I clenched my blanket and freaked out!!!!! I still have nightmares about it!!! Haha more giggles ensued :)

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Pets That Look Like Their Owner Contest!!! IN THE BAG!!!

I opened my facebook this morning and the Calgary Humane Society had a post about a "Pets That Look Like Their Owner Contest". Obviously I jumped at the chance to show the world how cute me and Floufy are!! Floufy is pronounced FLEWWFEEE. HAHAHA I understand that Floufy when said allowed may be pronounced like FLOUR....FLOUFY....It's FLOOOFY!! Alright, I love my cat. He's like my little child, I love him so much! I'm kind of crazy when it comes to my cat, he has a facebook page with over 200 hundred pictures and me and my sister write on his wall probably more than we should, but he's so freaking cute I can't help it!! Also, in my defense I had just gotten my wisdom teeth removed in this picture...

Floufy Marie Edwards has had quite the adventurous life for a 5 year old cat. I got him from the SPCA when he was 6 months old, and brought him to my condo where there were already two male cats living. BIG MISTAKE. It probably didn't help that the other two cats had not been neutered yet. Floufy went to stay with my parents' renters for a couple weeks while Lisa (my old dumb cunt roommate) moved out.

When Flouf was about a year old he pulled an all nighter which is not uncommon for him, and when he showed up he had a broken leg....SUPER...haha there goes $1400. Poor kitty. A year or so later I had a party and it may have gotten out of hand, Floufy ended up following Paul and Megan to Denny's, which is atleast a 30 min stumble from my house, and then he was left there. Floufy was missing for 5 weeks. Longest 5 weeks of my LIFE. Everyone thought he was a goner, but he was returned to the vet clinic and I was so relieved to hear that Bert had been returned!!!!! HAHAH since I got Flouf from the SPCA he had a former life, in this past life his name was Bert...thank god I took that cat in! Although maybe not thank god for him because under my care he's gone missing for 5 months and broken a hip. What a great mother I'll make!!! Now Floufy is an apartment cat and he seems to like it!! TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!!

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Successful Long Weekend :)

TUESDAYYYY!!!! I love when you don't have to work on Mondays, so Tuesday kind of feels like a Monday but then the next day's Wednesday, so you're like WOOOPAHHH!!!! Pretty stoked that tomorrow's Wednesday already, and Friday is PAYDAY :) What a great week. So, if you didn't already know this about me, I don't really like my job. It's boring and silly and I show up at 9:30 every morning when I'm supposed to work at 8, and I leave sporadically throughout the day just because I can, and I don't give a crap. Lately my boss has noticed what a terrible employee I've become. I called in sick last week and he said something about me needing a sick note next time, which is fine...I'm mostly just surprised he's waited 2 years and 3 months before saying anything about it, I call in sick A LOT!!! He also came in early today and noticed I wasn't here, and all I got was "Hi Steph, please be here at 8." I secretly wish I'd get fired so I'd get that push to find another job. I'm really lazy and comfortable here. I'm in a comfortable relationship with my job, and I know I have to move on but it's just too easy to stay here. I also get a big bonus at Christmas so that's another reason to stay for awhile. I just have to find things outside of work to keep myself entertained. I'm going to start taking a cooking class. There's one for breads on Saturday and then ones for Thai food and other yummy treats! That should be fun! I have to find one so me and Mel can sign up!!! Then we can eat what we made and then go find Rona!!

I had a really great long weekend!! It was Hannah and Tasha's birthdays so we all went to the Drum, which was a BLAST. One of those nights where you don't want it to end! In the middle of the night my iPhone just stopped working, so I got angry with it and slammed it against the bathroom counter. I'm having pretty bad luck with phones lately....haha it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm extremely intoxicated when these iPhone mishaps happen. Saturday involved me acting sad so my dad would just get me a new phone. It worked. I now am back to an iPhone4. I was hoping there would be an iPhone5 come out now but they have this iPhone4S....whatever...same shit, it's faster and the camera's better but I'm just happy to have my iPhone4. No one returned my old iPhone4 to Ranchmans :( so sad. I called it in stolen so hopefully no one can use it.
Cirque du Soleil's Ovo was in town on Sunday so me and Lauren went to see it!!! It was really great! I love Cirque du Soleil and never get tired of it!! Saturday night was Cory's bday/housewarming which was fun, but I was dead from the night before...John Thai drove me home and drove Mel and V to Melrose! I had the best sleep everrr and then Sunday night was Hudsons!!! I'm pretty sure I spent 40 bucks this weekend!! GO ME! I do owe my friend Sunny 20 bucks cause I stole it from him in my drunken craziness. I feel pretty bad about it...oh weekends.


Friday 7 October 2011


Yarlowww there :) It's the long weekend!!!!! YAHOOOOO!!! I'm SUPER PUMPED!!!! Made it to work today and I had a nice lengthy email from my boss saying I take too many sick days and next time I have to use a vacation day instead or some BS. I don't really care, I had the best day off ever yesterday!!!! Ate my ass off, napped, scrubs!! Couldn't have asked for a better day! Last night was a very Hudsons night! It was so much fun!! Thursdays is their $4 pints or glasses of wine, and I of course indulged in the wine!! One of the best things about Hudsons is their NACHOS. OMG they are to die for!!! Pretty much everytime we go there we have to get a plate of NACHOS! I also love Hudsons because it's only 6 blocks from my house so if a stumble home is necessary it's not that big of a deal. Last night Dames drove my car which needed to happen because I think it was raining...not too hard...just sprinkling!

I need to start running again. Yesterday I was way too hungover to run, and today I met up with V for lunch. I love Vanessa. She's become one of my best friends so quickly! V moved to Calgs in January and I think the first time I met her was at Nicole's bday partaayyy at WINGO!!!! Fucking wingo..oooh!!! I want to go bowling and roller skating!!!! LLOYDS HERE I COME!!!!! I love roller skating!! I feel like I'm in the 70's or something. MUST GO ASAP!!!

Tonight I'm going to the Drum for a coupy bday partayyy and then tomorrow is Cory's housewarming/bday party!!! HELLO JELLO SHOTS!!! It's also Thanksgiving weekend and Lauren is in town!!! I predict multiple beverages being consumed!!


Thursday 6 October 2011

Woahhhh NELLY!!!!

I got accidentally shit bombed last night! Me and Mel were having a casual wine night in when our friend Brad came over. We had some drinks at the apartment when Brad said: "1410? My treat?" haha and I am not one to turn down a free drink...neither is Mel! We took the show on the road and went to our local bar, 1410. I love 1410, they have delicious cocktails. I had a lemon drop martini :) it was delish! Brad ordered Burt Reynolds shots...I think the shots killed me. I had a case of the voms...haha I didn't actually vom but I definitely thought I was going to! I then decided to take my cute butt home because I had to work the next day, although this morning I felt like I got hit by a truck and did not make it to work. Instead of working I've been watching Scrubs all day and eating like I've never eaten before!! NOMNOMNOM!!!

Speaking of eatting my butt off....I went to Co-op to get groceries. This time I actually got out of the grocery store with all the items I had selected...haha. Got me some chips, ice cream, salsa, triscuits, lean cuisine :) Put all my groceries in the trunk and what do I discover? Two old containers of cottage cheese....bleh! If you havn't seen my trunk, you really don't want to! My trunk is where things go to die!!! I found cans of Tuna and bleh old cottage cheeeese. I can't imagine they taste good. hah I threw them out, don't worry!!

I also love buying these cute little ice cream containers. I don't know why I don't just buy a big tub of ice cream, it's not like I only eat one little ice cream. I definitely eat them all in one sitting. I LOVE FOOD!!!! I also really need a manicure. Typing on my laptop with my nails is kind of annoying...CLICKITY CLACK CLACK!!! Hudsons tonight :) 4 dolla glasses of wine and NACHOS!!!!!! NACHOCHEESE!!!! HAH NOT CHO CHEEESE!!!!! It's funnier out loud....haha night night <3

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Just another trip to the grocery store???

This evening after yoga, I went to Safeway like a normal young woman does. I Picked up a loaf of bread, a bottle of ranch dressing, and two cans of chicken noodle soup. I then took my delicious soon to be dinner to the register. There was a couple in front of me with a bunch of shit. The dude set the bar that seperates groceries out for me and I set my shit down like a normal person does. Alright, a little background info about yours truly...I text a lot. I get lost in my little texting world and sometimes become oblivious to what's going on around me....haha it happens often! So, I'm being a Tommy Texter as usual, glance down at my groceries, and both soups are missing! I look around at the other peoples groceries to see if they got left behind...or maybe got stuck soup is no where to be found!! I then start texting "WHERE DID MY SOUP GO???" hahaha whilst texting Mel, I notice the cashier pick up my ranch dressing and add it to the couple in front of me's order. No one is noticing this.

I CAN NOT STOP LAUGHING. HAHHAHAH so now I'm down to a loaf of bread. hahahah in line at safeway for 20 minutes now, with a $2.20 loaf of fucking bread. People at Safeway must have thought I was insane looking down at my bread and laughing to myself. I get to the cashier and she asks: "Just the loaf of bread?" HAHAHA apparently lady....apparently. I am now seated on the couch with two pieces of toasted bread. Super Supper :)


Top of the morning to ya!!!

It's Tuesday!!!! I know I shouldn't be so excited for a Tuesday, but last week I was soooo grumpy, I'm just happy I'm not grumpy anymore! It was the WURST!!!! So, little update on the whereabouts of my iPhone's gone. Gone like the winddd!!! Luckily Damien still had my iPhone 3 so I'm golden!! It was only 10 bucks to get a new sim card. Rockin' ye ol iPhone3 and I got a new purple case for it. Life is gooooda. Me and the iPhone4 were clearly not meant to be. CLURLEYYY.

I'm really excited for this weekend! It's my friends Hannah and Tasha's Birthdays at the Drum on Friday which me and Casey are going to, and then Cory's housewarming on Saturday!!! Me and Mel are making JELLO SHOTS!!!!!!!! It will be SO MUCH FUN!!! mmm jello yummy.

I have YOGA tonight!!!! I missed last Tuesday cause I was REALLY REALLY INSANELY GRUMPY, but I'm going to go tonight! Oooh I'm also trying not to spend money on food. It worked yesterday. I had 3 granola bars from work then ate when I got home. Hah so I'll have some granola bars today then go home and eat...then yoga...then go to my parents house and steal a bunch of their food and I'll be set for awhile! Operation don't spend money on food. I should also start going out with dudes so they buy me dinner.


Sunday 2 October 2011

High. Drunk. Blogging.

I lost my iPhone last night. I am le sad. Apparently there's a setting called Mobile Me which I should have known about! Whilst I was dancing up a storm my phone flew out of my wristlet, which happens quite often, but I usually find it and pick it up!!! Ranchmans is the drunkest place ever. Shit goes down.
This is a picture of when I got my recent iPhone!! I broke my iPhone 3G during a Stampede incident, then went to get my iPhone 4 which broke a week later at the casino...which then lead me to this newest iPhone. They're coming out with an iPhone 5 soon though so life's okay. i would like to find this current phone. That would be really super. super duper.

I hate sundays. They remind me that I have to work the next day. Although I do love Sundays cause they're lazy :) Yaa I love sundays. Maybe not love...I love Fridays and Saturdays. I give Saturday a 10, friday is a 9...Sunday 8...Thursday 7! Okay you get the idea...haha I'm having some wine :) It's rully yummy :) Me, Mel and V are on the couch watching Food Network!!! It's so relaxing!! Although now we're hungry and Damien said he'd bring us food at's now 1:30pm. Lies!!!!

I'm pretty sure my phone is at Ranchmans. I don't see why not. Nice things happen to nice people and I'm soooo nice. I would return someone`s phone so I`m sure they would return mine! RightÉ hahahhaa I think my comp`s on french.... ÉÉÉééééÉÉ haha now I should say things you need an accent on....Keeping a cell phone...not my forté!!! hahahah!!!!! Touché! hahah!! Toupé!! I don`t like tofu.