Saturday 15 December 2012

It's Almost CHRISTMAS!

Finals are done, Christmas is here, now LET'S PARTY!!!!

Paul is coming next Friday for four days and I pretty much work the whole time he's here...FML. I need to get Saturday off. I wonder if Joey's will even be busy during the holidays. Aye papi.

I started my new job as a wine/liquor rep last Friday and it's pretty sweet! I give out samples for 4 hours and then get to go home! It's way more relaxing than Joey's. Being a liquor rep is pretty much the opposite job from Joey's. I like it a lot more. If one job has to go it's definitely Joey's!

I'm officially in the holiday mood now that finals are done! I've only gotten one one exam mark back and I got an A in the class!!! WOOPWOOP! Hopefully the rest will be equally good!!


Monday 3 December 2012

Stolen Phone = Angry Stephanie

I am sooooooo angry. I haven't felt so much rage inside of me ever. Last night at Joey's I put my iPhone in my purse after texting Damien and when I came back to text after my shift my phone was gone! I'm soooo angry and sad I can't decide which emotion I feel more! I asked Joey's to check the surveillance tape of the staff room and get back to me, but they haven't. I'm going in tonight to check the tapes myself. I really really really don't want to pay 300 bucks for the exact same phone I just had. If I find who took my phone it's going to take all my willpower not to kill them or punch them in the face. So sad.

On the plus side school is done on Wednesday and Midterms are over on the 14th! I also got a new job as a wine rep today!!!! Very exciting. I have my first shift on Friday! Hopefully I can find my phone and be happy again.
