Thursday 27 June 2013

Summer 2013 - From Flood to SUNSHINE

The talk of the town for the last week has been the god awful flood that poured itself all over Alberta. Luckily me and D are at the top of the hill, so the worst we had to deal with was being without electricity for a few days.

I started an internship at a social media contracting company and today is day one!!! I've been cruising social media sites today, which is why I decided to update the ol' blog! This internship is super fun!!! Everyone is super nice and fun!! WEEOOH!

I'm going to attempt to go to Joey's afterwork to get my pay check...I'm not sure what to expect going downtown after this flood. I don't think it'll be too busy because people have been advised not to go to work downtown until after the long weekend. I just really need my pay check! I can also take some awesome post flood pics!

So, first day of internship and I really have to poop, but I really don't want to poop in the washroom here. I just have to wait for an hour and a half and run home and poop. Ah I legit had to run to work this morning, and I guess back home tonight. *tear*

Have an amazing long weekend!!! xoxoxox