Friday 30 December 2011

Back from Phoenix!!

Good morning my lovely lovers!! I'm back from Phoenix!!! Best vacation ever!! Me and my family went hiking up Camelback mountain, went shopping, to the gym, did some yoga, wall climbing, and drank wine :) It's nice to be back home though! I missed all my friends SO much!!

On top of me being in a great mood because I just got back from vacay, it's also FRIDAY! We're going to decorate the condo for New Years!! I'm so excited!! AND today is a half day at work, and freaking PAY DAY!! Could life get much better?? I'm just not sure it can!! Apparently 2011 wants to leave me with happiness, and I'll take it!! I bought five NYE dresses in Phoenix, but I think I know which one I'm going to choose, you'll just have to stay tuned for a pic! I bought so many awesome things down south, such as this Urban Decay spray that you spray on your face before you go out on the town so your make-up stays put all night!! I also got some new foundation and refreshing eye roller things to make your eyes less puffy which will come in handy for when I come to work hungover! I bought new Nike runners and UGGS too!! Me and Lauren tried the Olay mustache remover, SUCCESS!! It's a little pricey, but totally worth it! I'm going to check out the sales downtown today too!! Holt and Aritzia!!! I'm so inlove with life right now it's ridiculous!! NYE <3

Thursday 22 December 2011

Everyday This Week Feels Like FRIDAY!!!

It's Thursday: aka day four of the Five Days of Hudsons!!! Monday was an epic shit show, Tuesday was really drunk out, Wednesday was the most hungover/drunk day ever, and now here we are at Thursday!! Weekdays are long, and I can't stop eating these Christmas chocolates!

Yesterday I was working up on the 23rd floor and sat pretending to scan while I had the most insane hangover ever. One of my coworkers gave me some baileys for my coffee which was AWESOME, yet difficult to stomach! I struggled through the day, and then around 2:30 my new favorite coworker poured me a stiff vodka diet coke. Best coworker ever!! Me and V were struggling all day and didn't think we would be able to make Hudsons day 3, but we put our big girl panties on and went to Hudsons after work for nachos and caesars! Man, Hudsons nachos are just the best thing ever! After we ate the world, me and V went back to my house where I proceeded to drink half a bottle of wine from the biggest bottle ever! Cory brought our Christmas presents over :) LARGE BOTTLES OF WINE!!! SO amazing. I'm so lucky to have the best friends ever. Casey's coming over tonight for jello shots, champagne, and WINE!!! Me and Vanessa need to go to Hudsons at some point tonight for Hudsons day 4. It'll happen!!

Tomorrow's FINALLY Friday!!!

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Am I in Vancouver Yet?

The answer is no. Me and Paul were chatting last night whilst I was inebriated at Hudsons, and I just wish I was in Vancouver already!!! You know when you're waiting for something to happen and just want it to happen right NOW!!! That's how I feel. Like when I sold my condo and just wanted to move out ASAP! Seems like May is a life time away!!!! 

I'm deathly hungover. I saw this coming so I shouldn't be surprised!! Atleast I was productive last night so I don't have to be for the rest of the week!!! I cleaned the apartment, did my laundry, went for a nice long epic tan, and then danced my butt off which pretty much equals time at the gym! I wish I had lotion at my desk right now. I used it all up and need to get some new stuff. I still haven't gotten any Xmas presents...haha I've been spending money on myself. I wish we didn't have to get people shit, then feel bad when they get you something and you didn't get them anything. I'll just hide from everyone until New Years and maybe they'll forget about it.


Monday 19 December 2011

So much to say!!

Last weeks posts were a little few and far between because I was working down south for one of our companies who needed a little extra help! I'm back now though :) MUAHAHA! I'm pretty sure this is going to be the best week ever!! I'm getting my hair dyed after work today, then me and V are going to have some champagne and meet some friends at Hudsons for $3 hi-balls and dancing, which will then lead to tomorrow being the day of the epic hangover! Tomorrow night I'm going to the Flames game with my my dad, Lauren, and Lauren's bf, then Wednesday I'm going to see my best friend Kyley's band play at some bar downtown!! Thursday Casey's coming over for Christmas celebrations, wine, and making gingerbread houses, and then Friday we'll probably all go out dancing to this new club Commonwealth!! Saturday I leave for PHOENIX!!! SHOPPING!!!

I think I may be going a little over board with all the party plans for this week! Tomorrow I'll probably be hungover as balls and not want to do anything....I need to go tanning like everyday this week besides Tuesday (hockey game).

Friday night, we all went to Hudsons and had the funnest night ever!! We all did the shot ski and drank a lot of "Christmas" shots, they were partially tequila...DEATH! Me, V, Kait, and Mel spent Saturday night together at Mel's cabin in invy! It was soooo fun and relaxing!! We drank everything and ate EVERYTHING!!! We had champagne, jello shots, vodka, wine, beer!! RIDICULOUS. My head was pounding the next day on our drive home, which was the scariest drive EVER!!  I need to take advantage of getting epic shittered before I go to Phoenix, because family + getting shit bombed = awkward....

Tuesday 13 December 2011


Is it weird that I can't stop thinking about Hudsons nachos? Perhaps. I don't even remember the last time I had them all up in ma grill!! Friday cannot come soon enough!!! HUDSONS NACHOS GET IN MA BELLLAYYY!! My diet has taken a turn for the worse!! Don't tell Vanessa, but I've got a case of the weight gain. It's Christmas, and winter, and I've stopped running cause it's freaking freezing outside, and I just want to shove everything in my mouth!!!

I'm going to work in one of our shops down south tomorrow!! It'll be a nice little change of scenery from this downtown office! I do love working downtown though. I'm soooo excited to move to Vancouver!! Maybe my boss has some kind of connections there and can get me a job. CMANNN BRUCIE!!! BIGGEST LOSER FINALE TONIGHT!!! I think Ramon's going to win...but I guess you never know! It kind of sucks that there's no girls in the final three, but you win some and you lose some! NACHOS.

Monday 12 December 2011

The Day of a Thousand Cups of Coffee

Last night Me, Mel, V, and BDB had a little too much fun! There was Rockband, Wine, Boardgames, Vodka, Pizza, which has now led me to an epic hangover. WAHHH I was so good all weekend and wasn't hungover at all, stayed in, drank wine, watched movies, and then Sunday night comes along and I decide it's a fabulous idea to get shit bombed. Typical Stephanie. We played this HILARIOUS game called Dirty Minds, and I won LIKA BAUS!!!

Just a little something I've learned while trying to lose weight during the holiday season: It's near impossible!!! Yesterday I ate everything. I went to my parents house for brunch and there were sugar cookies, ice cream, Grayson sausage (this amazing sausage from Saskatchewan...and I'm not talking about "insert famous man from Saskatchewan"). Hahaha I just googled famous people from Saskatchewan, and only knew two of them. Evangeline Lily from Lost and Leslie Neilsen who's not even from Sask apparently!

This Friday me and V are going to get Hudsons nachos. I'm so excited I could burst!!! It's our reward for being such good little dieters (I swear I'll be good this week). I can't even describe how amazing these Hudsons nachos are. So much cheese, and sour cream, the salsa, jalapenos, black olives!! OH EM GEE I want them in my mouth right now!! Friday you can't come soon enough!!!

Friday 9 December 2011

In the Spirit!!

Christmasss Christmas...the happiest time of year! I'm counting down the days until I'm in Phoenix. 15 days to be exact! I finally finished making those stupid binders for my boss that I was complaining about yesterday, and have now moved on to an even boring-er task!! Benefits and expenses! I have let this shit pile up...operation red bull and paperwork!!! Although clearly I'm lying because, as I type on my blog I'm clearly not being productive at all! PROCRASTINATION!!

Last night us gal pals hit the town and went to see the Flames play at the dome!!! Twas a GREAT game!! Well the hockey was a little weak, and there were no fights, but we had such a great time!! Mel was chosen to play the Tim Hortons cup challenge during the commercial break which was HILARIOUS. She won a coffee maker by the way!! WOOOO MEL!!! My friends are so cool.

I'm so excited to relax this weekend!! Tonight is wine/movies/gingerbread house/buy tickets for NYE!!! Tomorrow morning I'm going to attempt to wake up at 5:45am and watch the solar eclipse (wish me luck on that one), going to Banker's Hall to volunteer to wrap gifts at 10am....then back home at 1:00 hopefully to do some sitting on my butt! Ooooh I really want to go tanning this weekend too, and hit the gym since I have not worked out all week!! Sunday is family brunch....BORING! Haha jk....not really jk. Lauren's in town so I'll have to see her at some point! 

Thursday 8 December 2011

I'm Moving to Vancouver.

Me and Vanessa are moving to Van in May. It's been decided. I miss Paul too much. Is Paul the main reason I'm going to Vancouver you may ask? The answer to that question is yes, but it'll be good for me to experience living somewhere else too. I need to save some money!!! I really hope my xmas bonus is good...haha we'll see!

Long distance relationships are balls. I don't know how some people make it work. Me and Paul are the best of friends and text everyday, but it's so hard when you're not in the same city as that's like you kind of forget about them, or something equally terrible. I had a moment of clarity after I consumed a bottle of wine last night, and figured...why not move to another city for awhile? I sold my condo, have a disposable job, friends will always be there, and Floufy can come with me! Vanessa's lease runs out in May, so it's perfect timing!! Save some money and GTFO!!

I totally fucked up these binders I'm making for my boss...and I'm trying to find the motivation to fix them...I think it's going to be a lot of effort. Does milk in little creamer containers last forever? I'm starting to think so. I bought these little creamer sized milks for the office like MONTHS ago (okay I get it, I'm gross) and they still haven't gone bad...okay that's not entirely true, some of them are now yellow and separated when you open them, but for the most part they're alright!! I should really order new milkies...

Wednesday 7 December 2011

I miss my best friend.

I miss Paul too much. I hope I get a super awesome bonus, then me and floufy can move to van. Perhaps minus floufy...jk..Wahh I miss my bestie.


Now if you're reading this Pete, I do not mean that I'm stoked FOR life...I'm fucking stoked ON IT!!! OKAY????

Now that that's out of the way....I'm not hungover today!!! YAHOOO!!! Last night I went to say goodbye to my best friend who's going to work in Kamloops for 3 weeks...wahh I'm sad...and then went home and watched How I Met Your Mother in bed, passed the fuck out, and am back to my awesome non hungover self! I'm excited to relax tonight, maybe go to the gym...have a good sleep, and go to the hockey game tomorrow night! Mel has graciously invited me to go with her to the Flames game and I'm super excited! Saddledome burrs, sexy hockey boys, life doesn't get much better than that my friends!
I'm going to Phoenix in 17 days!!! I really can't wait to get out of Calgary for a little bit, and go to the states and SHOP SHOP SHOP!! I hope I get a good Christmas bonus this year!! That would be sweet...BUY EVERYTHING!!!

A bunch of us are going to Vegas in February for my birthday/mardi gras/any excuse to go to Vegas is a good one!! I think there's 6 of us going to far...trying to convince Kyley to come too...we'll see! I told him if he didn't come I was going to marry Trevyn! Trevyn's a good catch, I'd marry him anyways!! I think I'm going to take Bio 30 in the new year, so I can apply for something Medical in September. Fuck I'm so indecisive it drives me INSANE. School, travel, new job...I'm back in the cycle!! Damn the cycle of indecision!!

Lost half a pound last night....that's promising! I'm back on the fitness train! I lost it there for a little bit, but don't worry I'm back on! All I can think about is Hudsons nachos. Drooooooool.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Can I Go Home Now?

I'm dying a Hudsons death. Me, V, Trav, and Nicole went to Hudsons last night. Nicole was driving so she left early, but you know how the rest of us are....PARTY ALL NIGHT LONG!!! Three dollar vodka diets got me good! Somehow I only managed to spend four dollars....not really too sure how that happened! Thank god it's almost 3:00, and I didn't take a lunch break so I'm leaving at 4:30. It's over. Now I can just fuck around on the inty for an hour and a half and go home!! HOME!!! Omg to be wrapped in a blanket on the couch is all I want to be doing...perhaps with a comforting glass of wine :) that sounds so nice right now. When I close my eyes I can picture myself there!! There's some good TV on tonight and then tomorrow is HUMP DAY!!! Real world....LOVE. I'm pretty sure I've had four cups of coffee, and a diet coke, and I could still pass out right here!! I'm so happy I don't have yoga tonight!! OMG!!! PRAISE JESUS!!! I would dieeee. Although, I did yoga on Sunday when i was a thousand times more hungover and it was good times!!

I'm totally falling off the diet train by the way. It's really not going well at all. I havn't gained any weight, but I've been eating ice cream, and pretty much anything I can stuff in my mouth. EAT ALL THE THINGS. I blame winter, it makes me want to EAT. Chocolate chip cookie dough.....that sounds soooo good right now, or a frosty!! Chocolately goodness. I have to lose 5 pounds in 10 days and I'm so over it....maybe V won't take our bet seriously.....I'm screwed. If you see a video of me running around in a bikini freezing my nipples off, I apologize in advance.

Monday 5 December 2011


What a crazy fun weekend!! My boss was out of town on Friday so I just fucked around on the comp, went shopping, got some lunch, left early...and since I was a good girl and didn't drink all last week, I went balls to the walls CRAZY on Friday night!!! Friday night was a shit show. There is no other way to describe it. Me, Mel, V, and Steph played sociables and had some cocktails, then went to HUDSONS!! The happiest place on earth!!...or the drunkest place in Calgary. Me and Vanessa were in a crazy dancing mood as always...we tore that dance floor up!! Us gals met up with our guy friends and partied, shared some laughs...drank everything!! As much as I really don't like when bartenders and bouncers know me at a club, I guess it's not the worst thing ever! I'm starting to like going up to the bar and everyone knowing what I'm drinking...haha...being a regular at the bar does have its perks, including the occasional free beverage!! Can't complain about that!! During this Friday night of ridiculousness, I decided it was a good idea to start a conga line! We started at the dance floor...went around the bar, and ended our beautiful conga back at the dance floor. I remember it being magical! Around 12:30am I went to the gay bar, and as soon as I got there John texted me that him and all our friends were at Hudsons! Well shit...I stayed at Twisted till 1:30am, then Kyley came and met me on the side of some road and we went back to Hudsons! Dance, dance, dance...I introduced Kyley to everyone as "my best friend Kyley", and then we eventually went home around 2:30am to smoke a doobs in bed and pass the fuck out. There was shwarma involved in there somewhere.

When I woke up Saturday I did not want to do anything!! I stayed in bed till up...decided life was not going to happen, and went back to bed. I finally decided to start living life around 5pm. Vanessa was still passed out on the couch like a CHAMP!! On Saturday it was our friend's bday and we were all supposed to go bowling. I freaking LOVE bowling, but there was a blizzard on Saturday and getting a cab was difficult. I didn't want to drive, or take the train, so me and V decided to meet our bowling buddies downtown at the Rhino!!

Oh how I love dancing on a Saturday night at the Rhino!! We stayed at the Rhino until around 2:00am on Sat, and then went back to John's house to eat all his Crispy Minis and pretzels!! YUM YUM!! I woke up Sunday morning, once again not wanting to face the world, but unfortunately I had yoga Sunday afternoon. I contemplated not going to yoga, but I always feel so great afterwards, so I put my big girl pants on and left the house! I love yoga :) With all the toxins out of my system, I was ready to face the world!! After yoga I got a gingerbread latte, went for a tan, and then took my butt to the mall!! I eventually went home to watch How I Met your Mother and eat some Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream that Brad brought me and Mel!! What a great weekend!!!

Update on me and V's bet on losing weight by Dec16th: Could be going better!! I now have to lose 5 pounds in 10 days which would prove challenging, but don't worry....I've got it in the bag!

Thursday 1 December 2011

Single Gals on the Prowl :)

It's almost the weekend and me and Mel are going balls out!! Operation Find a man Friday, and if that fails our friend Nicole has suggested: Score a Stud Saturday!! Friday night we're going to go to some pubs downtown...scope out the scene! There has to be something good out there!! It's our friend Adam's bday party on Saturday and we're going bowling, then probably to the Ship or Hudsons on Sat, so we'll just have to put on the charm :) ON IT!! 

Last night a bunch of us went to see Harold and Kumar 3D. It was PHENOMENAL. I may think it was the best movie ever since I love Harold and Kumar and think everything they touch turn to SOLID GOLDDD!! Me and Mel were laughing HYSTERICALLY. We even had to hold hands in the beginning because we were sooo excited!! My fave part was when they were high as balls and in claymation! OMG. I wish they would have done half the movie in high as balls claymation!