Wednesday 29 February 2012

English Homework Attempt Number One. WTF.

Okay, it's been 7 years since I graduated high school and fuck do I not miss this bull shit. I have to analyze an essay, and can barely understand what the person who's writing this essay is trying to say!! I have to analyze this piece using words like: Epigrammatic, dogmatic, colloquial. Alright the word dogmatic is pretty sweet! If there's one thing I'll take out of this course is that dogmatic means positive or assertive! I'm sooo using that word as some point tonight!! hmm what's negative...I can't find a ridiculous word for negative, what if I'm reading a really negative essay, should I be calling it anti-dogmatic? This really sucks.
Oh well....atleast I started right??

Update: Dogmatic does not mean positive...I used it in a sentence and got TOLD.

Thank FUCK it's WEDNESDAY!!!

One step closer to the weekend my friends! AND there's some bomb ass TV on tonight!! Modern Family, The Challenge, Happy Endings! Last night I was the queen of productivity!! I stopped at the grocery store after work to get ingredients for Veggie Chili! Since I'm broke as balls after Vegas, I went cheapo and only bought a select few ingredients for my chili, such as: Peppers, corn, onions, beans, chick peas, tomatoes, and then added some tomato sauce...I also added some basil, hot sauce, garlic powder, salt and pepper, and chili powder! It was actually pretty good for my first attempt at Veggie Chili, and it only cost me 10 bucks! I wanted to add some Veggie Ground Round, which would have been good, but it was 5 bucks, and let's face it, I can not afford the finer things in life right now! Along with stopping at the grocery store and making chili, I also washed the chocolate drizzle off my sheets and did so much laundry!! I even found time to shower before dames came over! SO productive!! I'm pretty much Suzy homemaker over here!

I tried to be good last night, so I didn't eat dessert and my weight is still the sameeeeeee....why god whyyyy!!! Even after running at lunch, then running around like a crazy person doing household shit, you'd think atleast one pound would come off!!! Whatever. I need to go to yoga tonight. Maybe that will help.

Dames went boarding at Sunshine yesterday and bought me the cutest toque!! Pink <3 I'm pretty much ready for winter now....haha although spring is just around the corner! Tomorrow's March already which means it's pretty much the Summer right?? 3 months till June!!! CRAZY!!!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Guess who's back...back again!!

MORNING! Feeling much better after a good night's sleep, and I think the cuddles from my fur baby helped! Floufy came home from my parents' house last night, and we had the ultimate cuddle sesh <3 too cute.
Now let's see, what's the next thing I have to look forward to...oh, I know!! Paul and Randy are coming to Calgary on Sunday!! They're on their way to Jamaica and passing through Calgs! I get a full day with Paul and Sunday...Oh My God. I'm excited.

It's official, I'm on a downward spiral to Fat Town. In the last week I've gained 6 pounds. FUCK. You know when you start eating crappy, and just keep doing it, cause you're like....just one more day...haha omggggg this sucks. I even tried to be good yesterday and went for a run, but seriously, the silent killer of yesterday was the Kraft Dinner! That shit has so many calories!!! I added up all the junk I ate yesterday on myfitnesspal and I ate over 2500 calories...HOW. That's twice as much as I'm supposed to be eating. Whatever. I'm back in the groove now, so I'm sure I'll get off the train to Fat Town soon. It really doesn't help that we've introduced whipped cream into the boudoir...TMI?? mmm whipped cream.

Wearing my new Michael Kors watch today!!
Whenever I look at it, my insides smile :) My outsides also smile.

Monday 27 February 2012

Dying a slow death.

I should have taken today off work. I miss my bed!! Vegas was so much fun, but I'm so happy to be home!! I feel like I was gone forever!! Omg people keep asking me to do things at work and my brain is not functioning. Brain cannot grasp life. I really want to go for a run today but I also want to leave early, run home, and sleep for days. Why didn't I take today off too?? Mel, Begin, Vanes and John are resting today, and I wish I was with them.

Today is me and Damien's one month of young love <3 how precious! I need to think of something yummy to make him for dinner sometime this week....hmm think think think!!

My brain is legit mush this morning. I've never wanted to go to bed more in my life. I'm trying to think of ways I can get out of work early...quitting and running for my life is one of them. BED.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

First night shitshow.

I've had a few mimosas...not gonna lie! Mel's getting ready so I'm just chillin in the room! Last night we went to margaritaville which was sooo awesome and drunk! I wish I new how to add pics on here from my iPhone! Margaritas from margaritaville are sooooo strong and I was sooo drunk! Begin got us wristbands at Pure in Caesar's Palace till midnight, so I was running from bar to bar getting drinks and handing them off to the guys and chugging my drinks! I was so drunk I thought I was on something. John and Trevyn got in last night. Yeesh...I'm pretty sure guys think all chicks are hookers in Vegas because guys kept saying "you need to buy her!" and pointing to me...I felt like a cow in some cow field or something...or some market where you buy...haha fuck I should stop blogging now. We're going shopping and I'm going to check out a Michael Kors watch!!! Yeesh also, lost 80 bucks on the sluts last night, and me and Mel's room service was 70 bucks this morning. Haha winning at Vegas!!!!

Mimosas for all!!! <3

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Vegassss bitchesssss

Yahooooo I'm finally in Vegas and blogging from my phone while waiting for Mel in the shower! Kyley's already snoring and passed out beside me..Muahaha some people!! Hah so we were picked up in this huge semi limo and drove around Vegas for 4 hours drinking, dancing, laughing...riding the stripper pole! Weeee!!! Mel's dad hooked us up!!! We got to our hotel and our room had fried chicken on the table, so Mel complained and we got the penthouse suite!!!! View of the strip and life is good!!! This trip is starting off with a bang!!!

Monday 20 February 2012

Lazy Laundry!

Well I just took a shower with atleast 80 multicolored thongs, that's normal right? We only have 75 cents left on the laundry card and I'm feeling like a cheap-o so I've decided to just wash the necessities and buy clothes in VEGAS. It really just makes sense!

I bought a bright pink suitcase when we went to Mexico, and I'm starting to think I should have gone black, since I've used this pink suitcase maybe 6 times and it's so dirty and gross!! I tried to clean it...but now it's smeared dirt, which I think may be worse! Super!!

I got VEGAS money for my birthday and my sister got me some awesome nail polish! I even got a little manicure from her boyfriend
(it sounds weirder than it is).



P.S. This is the delicious cake my sister made me for my birthday :)
So delicious!!

Sunday 19 February 2012


Last night was my birthday party at the Drum and it was way too much fun!!! Of course we started predrinking at my apartment which is always a gong show, and there were JELLO SHOTS!!! I usually get weird and freaked out when my birthday comes around, but this year life is good and I'm sexy, so no worries!!!

Apparently at the end of the night there was a huge fight, and some dude had to be rushed to the hospital...but I was too busy scarfing down pizza next door to care. Me and Casey also heard gun shots go down at Vicious Circle, but yet again, we were too busy with our pizza to give a shit. Casey made me the CUTEST cupcakes for my birthday!! I really do have the best friends ever <3

VEGASSSSS in two days. I'm so ready to get slammered...wake up....have mimosas, sit at the casino...drink margaritas....go out clubbing!!! I belong in VEGAS!!!

Friday 17 February 2012

Mexico Lie 2.0

My boss asked me where I was staying in Mexico and I said the RIU CARIBE, since that's where I stayed a couple years ago. He then proceeds to inform me that his friends are also staying there next week and he's going to tell them to keep an eye out for this what I get for telling a little fib??? Hopefully this all just goes away!! WTFFFFFFFFFF.


Rough start to Friday! I went to plug in the coffee maker this morning and the outlet decided to kill itself, and since I don't know how to fucking fix it, I had to go get an extension cord to another outlet! I'm grumpy this morning. I'm so grumpy that at 11:11 I wished that I'd stop being so grumpy!! I usually wish that today will be the best day ever!! And now none of these wishes will come true because i have told everyone!!! I've doomed myself to being grumpy all day!!!!

Okay I'm drinking coffee now, the morning makes sense again! Damien's coming downtown for lunch and we're going FOOD TRUCKIN!!! The Alley Burger food truck is coming downtown, and I'm so excited for a burger!!!
I'm actually so fucking excited for a burger. Yesterday I was super good and ran at lunch, did yoga at night, and went to bed like a good little girl. Okay the last part of that story isn't entirely true because last night Casey came over to watch Jersey Shore, Big Bang Theory, and The Office, and I definitely had a couple cocktails, and a couple cocktails makes me drunk. I think tonight me and dames are supposed to go to the gym and hot tub, and make yummy food....but he's at the gym right now, and I don't know many people who like to go to the gym in the afternoon and then go back at night....sounds like torture to me!

Tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!! I'm so excited to see all my friends and drink too much and possibly come home and vomit everywhere! I should probably move the new bathmat Mel bought to replace the last bathmat I vomited all over! I'm a really great roommate. Now I just have to decide which PARTAYYYY dress gets to be all over my sexy bodayyy!!!! The coffee has kicked in. THANK FUCK.

Happy Friday LOVES!!!!

And if you're as fortunate as me to live somewhere with a long weekend....


Thursday 16 February 2012

Watches...I want one!

I was looking through all these instagram pics with the hashtag "Michael Kors" because I apparently have a lot of time on my hands, and have decided I want a Michael Kors watch! They are so pretty! I have found a few that I like and I bet they have some in Vegas for cheaper than here, so I am so on the watch train!! I could totally rock a watch. It's going to be my new accessory!

The Mexico Lie

I told everyone in my office that I'm going to Mexico with my family next week instead of Vegas, because I don't want them to think I'm a total alcoholic shit show. Whenever someone comes up to me and asks me about my Mexico vacation, we start talking about vacations, and the conversation always seems to veer off to how much we wish we were going to Vegas! I just want to scream out loud: I'M SO EXCITED FOR VEGAS!!! Luckily I've been to Mexico a few times, so I can bullshit all the places I went when I come back to work, but still VEGAS. EPIC. I'm going to have so many new clothes too, and people do not shop in Mexico, well, not the kind of shopping I plan on doing!! Frick I need to come back with a Mexico tan!! Thank god for tanning salons!!


A girl complaining about her original!

Wahh I've gained weight! Haha I'm just not really sure what I expected after binge eating Doritos Nachos, eating pints of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and attacking all the chocolate in Calgary! I just figured since I walk to and from work everyday, and run everyday at lunch, and do yoga, I would be safe and all my crappy eating would even itself out! I went to Hot Mess Yoga last night which was AMAZING, and I'm going to Warm Yoga tonight, so I'm hoping I can curve my crap eating for these next couple of days and be back to my sexy self! I have three days before my bday party, which means three days to squeeze into a super cute and tiny dress! Challenge Accepted.

Did I mention I had to take Floufy to the Vet last Sunday? I just don't think I've brought it up! Last weekend I noticed something weird on Floufy's throat, and it looked like he'd been scratching himself, or had gotten into a scrap (he's an indoor cat, so the scrapping was ruled out). I booked
an appointment right away with the vet and got him in Sunday morning. Apparently it's a skin "issue" (I don't want to say disease, sounds gross), and he has to take steroids to make it go away. I've been secretly smashing up these pills into his food and he's actually eating them which is amazing since I tried to shove them down his throat with no luck! The vet also thinks that Flouf might have asthma...haha my poor kitty! I feel like I've just taken my 12 year old son to the doctor to discover he has asthma! No, Floufy doesn't get a cute little kitty puffer (my sister was hoping for that), I have to keep giving him these steroid pills. Giving cats pills in HARD, and I don't know how people do it. I start getting frustrated after the pill doesn't go down for the fifth time, and Floufy's crying, and I feel like the worst mother in the world...breaks my little heart. Luckily the pill in food is working so I don't have to be hated by my fur baby for the next couple weeks! Eureka!

Operation don't be a fatty for the next few days is happening NOW!!!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Massage Candle Crisis...Averted!

Is it weird that I was hoping for some candle wax burn Valentine's Day disaster?? I feel like it would have made for an interesting first Valentine's Day story! But alas, our VDAY went off without a hitch! We had dinner at Taste which was amazingg, and even better since I hadn't been there before, ooh and I got a delicious Martini :) Mmm can't stop thinking about that Martini! After Taste we went to get some Ben and Jerry's AND Haagen Dazs, because with us, apparently one pint of ice cream just isn't enough. We went home, and upstairs to visit Ross who was eating some delicious looking pizzaaa!!! Omg Ross had these caramel brownie cupcakes of deliciousness, and shit son, were they ever good! Imagine a chocolate brownie cupcake filled with gooey caramel...melt in your mouth..*drool. Losing my train of thought here...

OOH alright went downstairs to watch Cougar Town since it was the premiere last night and we were so disappointing to find out it didn't record!! There were tears shed...almost...we had to download it, and have yet to watch it, so NO SPOILERS!!! Steph already said it made her cry, which means I'm totally going to cry. Man am I ever glad they didn't cancel the cougs. I think Elliott from Scrubs is going to make a few guest appearances on Cougar Town this season which would be BOMBASS since I LOVE Sarah Chalk..she is also very drool worthy! Since the town of the cougs didn't record and was taking forever to DL, we watched a few episodes of Workaholics, which is quite the highlarious show as well, and after some telly, the candles came into forward to this morning, my hair is a greasy rat's nest! Do rats even have nests? I don't think we have rats in Canada, just mice. Moral of my big long distracted blog post: Valentine's Day was perfect and my boyfriend is super cute :)

I just need to survive two more days of work, then it's long weekend BDAY party and VEGAS!!!! I'm so freaking excited to turn my brain off and let it soak in mimosas and margaritas!!!


Tuesday 14 February 2012

Happy Chocolate Day aka Valentine's Day!

I can't stop thinking about chocolate today! The minute I woke up I had chocolate on the brain, and after consuming a mocha, milk chocolate heart, and a caramilk, I can't wait for my next chocolate fix!! I know mini eggs will be making an appearance in my chocolate diet today, and I'm really craving Ferrero Rocher, and Lindor! After this blog post I will be running to get chocolate, that's a guarantee! Good thing I'm going for a run at lunch, or this chocolate binge could be terrible news for my derriere!

Now that my chocolate rave (is rave the opposite of a rant?) is out there, I can talk about my cute VDAY date! Me and Dames are going for dinner...although I don't know where...I actually have no clue what we're doing.
I was going to make him this Nutella Cheesecake which would be BOMBASS, but instead I went to the sex store last night and got some massage oils, and this candle that came with a spoon. Apparently with this candle, you use the wax for massaging....sounds kind of scary! I don't know if i should be scooping out candle wax, but I'm sure it'll work out! I really want to get some Nesquik and squeeze it all over his sexy naked body and lick it all off, or just squeeze it into my mouth....sounds like a more direct approach to getting my night time chocolate fix. Maybe I should have a glass of milk ready and mix up some chocolate milk IN MA MOUTH. What is it with chicks and chocolate? I know it's not just me and my INSANE sweet tooth, I swear this is normal girl behavior.

I'm FREAKING OUT about VEGAS. ONE WEEK and I will be in VEGAS. There will be a margarita in my hand, and possibly all up in my insides in ONE WEEK!! Thank god tomorrow's pay day because I'm going to need all the money I can get for SHOPPING, GAMBLING, and PARTAAAYING!!!

Well, on that romantic note, Happy Valentine's Day my lovely lovers <3

Hopefully the chocolate gods are good to you!

Monday 13 February 2012


I just need to make it through this week, and then operation epic long weekend/VEGAS PARTAYY!!! My BIRTHDAY PARTY is on Saturday, so Friday night shall be spent making jello shots, and getting all the necessities ready for Saturday! I am way too excited for next week! I should also probably stop binge eating bad foods so I can fit into tight and slooty outfits!  I guess there's a lot to look forward to this week too, because it's my first VDAY with a boyfriend that I actually like, so that's a bonus!

Friday night was a fun ladies night! Me, Mel, and Kait went to the drum to meet up with Casey who was with some surprisingly cute guys, but we didn't stick around because it was kind of dead at the drum. We headed to Habitat, which is just down the block, and stayed there for a couple drinks. We had never been to Habitat and I was expecting the place to be a little bit bigger and fuller, but I'm pretty sure we just went out too early on Friday night! I hate waiting in line ups for clubs, so we always leave the house early, but then hate it when the club is girl problems!! After Habitat, we ventured to the Rhino, which was fun and dancey!!! We stayed until maybe 12:30, since we had each spent 100 bucks...fuck Fridays!! We went home, ordered pizza...made some popcorn, ate the world, and passed out.

Saturday like the way you move!!!! Be my baby!! Saturday was awesome! My friend Steph and I went to see The Vow starring Rachael McAdams and Channing Tatum (weird fucking name). The movie was alright, but the company was better! After the movie, we went to Old Navy (I never go into Old Navy), because Steph wanted to get her mom a cute top, and they do have some pretty adorable baby clothes! I found a pair of pajama pants, white tank top, AND this adorable cream colored sweater, all for only 30 bucks. Old Navy might have won me over with those three necessary items for so cheap! I found this super cute sweater on the clearance rack for 5 bucks! CRAZINESS. After my Old Navygasm me and Steph parted ways and I went to Damien's house to lay on his bed and eat all of his Nutella. I'm pretty much the best girlfriend ever. After lazying around Damien's house for a few hours, I went to the Flames/Canucks game with my dad which was BOMBASS. Honestly, the ratio of Flames fans to Canucks fans was disgusting. For the record, I don't hate the Canucks, actually I think they're my second favorite team in the NHL, BUT when they are playing the Flames they're the scum of the earth. I felt like half the Saddledome was Canucks fans on Saturday, TERRIBLE. This hockey game had it all: Fights, an Iggy breakaway (swing and a miss), OT, SHOOTOUTS, and most importantly, WE WON!

Lazy Sunday was perfection, and not really as lazy as it usually is. The Epic Doritos Nachos were created, and OMG were they ever EPIC. I don't know if regular nachos will cut it anymore! Luckily we went to the gym before eating 5000 calories worth of nachos! My stomach is still moaning from all the cheesy goodness! If you love nachos, and haven't tried making them with Doritos yet, it's a must try!!! Seriously....tonight....right now...don't waste another minute!!

Friday 10 February 2012


Perogies are possibly the funnest food ever!!! You can stuff anything into those little pockets of joy! Also, there are so many ways of spelling perogy that you will never get bored of the word!! Perogie, Pierogie, Perogi, Perogy, Pirohi, Piroghi, Pirogi, Pirogen, Piroshke or Pyrohy. WOAH. Everytime I spell "perogy"...or however I choose to spell it, I feel like someone, somewhere is judging me for using the incorrect spelling of the word "perogy"....haha clearly I have issues.

Mark my words, one day I will be attending Pierogi Fest in Whiting Indiana!! 

Looks like the best freaking time ever!!! Unfortunately it's an expensive plane ride, and a 3 day drive...I'm sure one day it'll happen!!

Me and Dames LOVE perogies!!!!!!!! I remember when we discovered dessertrogies and almost died of excitement!! Mmm, Sunterra, making dreams a reality!! We've decided to start making our own perogies and stuffing them with whatever our little hearts desire, and since Damien's on this health kick lately, we're going to try to make some healthy perogies or....healthyrogies!! I swear, food sounds 10 times better/funner when you add rogies to the end of it: Pizzarogies!! Mexirogies!! CHEESECAKEROGIES! Oreorogies; double stuffed. I'm hungry....and really want perogies. Also, how good would Ice Cream Cake be right now? That rocky road center...*drool*

Bought new jeans at lunch from H&M, and now my toosh is ROCKIN!!! Clearly this picture doesn't do it justice!

Just a 15 year old girl, living in a lonely world.


Well that song just sneaks up on you!

"Stopped taking my birth control pills, period started again."
-15 year old girl problems!!
"On my rag, blow job week is back." -15 year old girl problems!!
"Swallowing makes me want to gag." -15 year old girl problems!!
"Tried to go out last night, got too drunk and passed out at 9:30pm" -Stephanie Edwards problems

Alright, those last two 15 year old girl problems probably shouldn't be happening to 15 year old girls, although I'm sure they could be. What was I doing when I was 15...grade 9? I was dating Kyley Topping and definitely not tasting his spunk. Holding hands and makin' plans!! I'm pretty sure I was scared of boys when I was 15, Taylor Swift says it all in her song: Fifteen.

Why am I comparing myself to a 15 year old girl this morning you may ask, well it's because I feel like I'm 15 again, although I'm the sexual age of 25! I just ended my stupid period on Sunday, and since I went crazy and stopped taking the pill 3 days in, I seem to have jump started ye ol' bloody system again. I hope it goes away soon, Lazy Sunday just isn't the same without sexual relations. Being a girl sucks balls. We're also out of water at the office so I'm drinking sparkling water, it's pretty tasty actually!

I'm going to buy new jeans at lunch today!! Although I've been eating like a cow, I've lost some pounds, pretty much all in my rump, so I need to go buy new jeans sooooo badly!!! I'm going to wait till VEGAS to buy nice expensive sexy jeans, but I'm going to need a pair or two to hold me over till then. Damien's coming downtown for lunch, so I'll just change "lunch" to SHOPPING and we're golden!! I know he doesn't want some girlfriend with gross jean bum. FUCK MY FLAT ASS. Thank gosh for full length mirrors at work! Someone was looking out for us gals when they installed that bad boy!

I tried to go out last night with Mel, but got too drunk and passed out at 9:30pm. WHO AM I??? Whatever, It's Friday, and I'm going to go out and get WEIRD.


Thursday 9 February 2012


Good Morning!! Good Morning!! Oh great, now I have the Viagra song stuck in my head!!

I went to Aveda afterwork yesterday to get my hair done, and I LOVE IT!!! I got it dyed a couple weeks ago at Green Apple Salon, but it was $130.00 just for the dye, and I didn't feel like paying another $70.00 for a cut, so I booked at my fave hair salon, Aveda. There's quite the wait for Aveda these days! I booked for a color in March, because I know I will need to be going back!  I loveeee getting my hair done. I swear I could get in done every week, and pedicures!! One day when I'm a rich bitch, I will be getting weekly mani/pedis, and massages!!

IT'S JERSDAY!!! I haven't been at home on a Thursday night since, I can't even remember, so tonight me and Mel are going to drink wine and watch JERSEY SHORE!!! Us gals also have to catch up on The Challenge, New Girl, Modern Family, Happy Endings, Community (if a new one's on)...oh the great TV we get to watch!! Hopefully there's a new Up all Night on too, but I shall have to save that for lazy Sunday with Damien.
OMG I found this website...or twitter account, or whatever, called FOOD PORN. I was on Chive yesterday and saw this food porn post and was instantly hooked!! One image in particular caught my eye, making Nachos and Cheese with DORITOS. How the FUCK have I not thought of this sooner?? I'm actually mildly disappointed with myself, so LAZY SUNDAY is getting FOOD PORNED!!! Me and Damien have already agreed that one flavor of Doritos is not enough in these epic Doritos Nachos, so we've decided on our three favorite flavors: Nacho Cheese, Cool Ranch, and my ALL TIME FAVORITE Sweet Chili Heat. Mmm although I really enjoy licking the good stuff off the sweet chili heat chip...I wonder if it will be the same in Nachos...I guess there's only one way to find out!! I also bet those Cheeseburger Doritos would be BOSS with melted cheesy goodness all over them! We're going to have to come up with an equally amazing chocolatey dessert to go with these nachos...I could actually just go for a tub of Nutella! I am soooo obsessed with Nutella lately, although some Ben and Jerry's ice cream could follow these Doritos Nachos quite nicely!! The possibilities are endless!

Here's a cute pic of Floufy channeling his inner pirate this morning! Too cute!

Wednesday 8 February 2012


Got home last night, cried in bed for a bit, went to the bathroom and threw out those stupid birth control pills. I drank a bottle of wine, and maybe 3 vodka beverages...hahaha I think I may be a titch hungover, but atleast I'm not in a crazy depressed mood like yesterday!! I've been talking to my girlfriends about the pill and they say I need to wait it out and my body will get used to the hormones, and everything will level out, and I just need to ride out the beginning....I want to follow their advice, but also I just want to BURN every pack of birth control pills I see!!!! Don't let me near your BC pills, I may lose my shit!!!

Ya I'm hungover, it's 8:30am and I'm downing a diet coke like it's orange juice. Holy crap I want orange juice, or a Jugo Juice!! Oooh they just put in a Booster Juice two steps away from our elevator! How convenient! Oooh look at all the people "liking" my morning Instagram picture of Floufy! I'm still completely addicted to Instagram, and have also started Tweeting like a mofo!

I tried to make a YouTube video last night after a couple drinks, but couldn't figure it out for the life of me! I may try to make one again tonight. Apparently you can just make videos on your iPhone and upload them to your YouTube account, but I'd rather make one with my computer. I need to rant about birth control pills!! I'm still really mad at them! Since I stopped taking them 3 days in, I'm scared I'm going to get my rag again. FML. I tried to take BC pills in the summer and lasted 4 days and my rag came back...I'm so fucked.


Tuesday 7 February 2012


Birth control pills day 3: I'm never taking birth control pills ever again.

THEY'RE MAKING ME CRAZY and anxious and I feel gross and fat and can't stop cryingggggg.

If you're reading this and you want to get with me, better strap on a condom, cause I'm over this shit.

Being a girl really sucks. I'm getting a sex change.


I cannot stop eating chocolate!!!! Just thought I'd share some pics of these delicious M&Ms I ate in 2.5 secs. I miss them, and am contemplating going to get more, but then my lunch run would be all for nothing!!! Why must chocolate be so delectable??

I've moved onto the Werthers Originals. Sweet sweet goodness.

Hahaha this post is procrastination at it's finest.

Subway Egg McMuffin knock off day!!

Why is it Egg McMuffin knock off day you may ask? Well, it's because I ate one this morning and have declared it so!! I'm still on the fence with Subway's breakfast english muffin attempt. It wigs me out when they pull the egg from a plastic container, and reheat it. Subway's attempt tastes nothing like an Egg McMuffin, but I'm pretty sure they're healthier, unless you ask for extra ranch sauce like me!! Alright, I'm going to do some early morning caloric intake research! McMuffin Vs. Subway's Reheated Egg Disaster. After checking a few websites I get 300 calories and 12 grams of fat for the Egg McMuffin, and Subway is 150 calories with 3 grams of fat, but I get my knock off Egg McMuffins sans ham. EGG AND CHEESE FOR THE WIN. Their eggs still make my stomach turn though....

Me and Mel watched the Sex and the City movie last night and it just made me realize how much I love my girlfriends! I went to the liquor store last night and they didn't have any good wine on sale, so naturally I bought the wine with the free chocolate attached! AWESOME wine, FABULOUS chocolate. This week is dedicated to yoga, wine, and galpals!! Tonight I'm going to go to hot yoga, come home and couch it with Mel and a bottle of wine, tomorrow I have a hair appointment, then Nicole is coming over for hopefully some WINE....THURSDAY I'm hoping for a wine night with the ladies! FRIDAY there will be dancing, because I NEED TO GO OUT!!! Saturday I'm going to the Flames/Canucks game, and there will be beer! I'll probably meet up with Cory and Becks after the game for a beverage! Doesn't my week sound like a blast?? I'm so over saving money, it's so boring and stressful.

Highlight of my morning: Finding my FAVORITE earbuds!! I don't know if I've mentioned my love for these earbuds before, but now that I've found them, I just can't go back to using anything else! I forgot my iPhone earbuds at home one morning when I had a flight to catch, and had to buy a new pair at the airport gift shop. Ever since that fateful day, I have always bought my earbuds from the airport gift shop. iPhone earbuds have got nothing on these bad boys!! Philips earbuds, if you're in the market for a new set! They're cute and pink too!

Things I'm looking forward to: Quitting my job and going back to school. 

Monday 6 February 2012

It's MONDAY and I want to PARTAYY!!!

This is what happens when I don't go out on the weekend, Monday comes along and I'm in full party my ass off mode!! I had a dream I went out partying with my sexy lady friends!! I guess one up side to not going out on the weekend is that I saved about a hundred bucks for VEGAS. Now if I can just stay in next weekend I'll be golden!! My brain is barely functioning this morning, and trying to think of words is proving to be quite the challenge. I STILL haven't started my English class. I'm going to start it today I promise!!!

I went to the dentist Saturday morning, and if I didn't have insurance I would NEVER go to the dentist. I don't know how it costs so much! I got a cleaning and check up, and it came to $480.00. Luckily I do have insurance and get all that money back, but still! CRAZINESS!!!! Happy to report, no cavities!!
I went to Nicole's house in Springbank Friday night for wine and movies, and definitely passed out before 11pm. Saturday night me and Damien went skating and watched Whitney and Up All Night. Up All Night is definitely one of my favorite shows right now!!! It's really depressing watching shows about cute dating couples, or adorable married couples when you're single, but it's a lot funner to watch with your cute bf!

Tomorrow it will be TWO WEEKS TILL VEGAS. Holy crap. I'm soooo excited!!!! 11 days until I get 9 days off. OMGOMGOMGOMG I'm freaking out with excitement!!! SHOPPING!!! Hanging out with my best friends for a week!! MIMOSAS!!! I wonder if there will be any drama in Vegas...Kyley's bringing this engaged chick...I hope he doesn't read this...although he probably will, and I'll get yelled at. Oooh I also have a hair appointment on Wednesday!! My hair is OUT OF CONTROL!!!! MUST TAME THE BEAST!!!

Happy Monday :)

P.S. Eek this means 2 weeks till I have to fit into a million little tiny dresses!!! Operation no more binge eating!! 

Friday 3 February 2012



I am in a fabulous mood!! It's already 4:30pm on this glorious Friday afternoon, and I predict the best weekend ever!! Tonight I'm going over to Nicole's for wine, and jacuzzi!! Nicole's also cooking us lamb for dinner, cause she's pretty amazing (note to self: do not compete against her during Dinner Party Wars!) I'm so excited to have a glass/bottle of wine!!! I miss wine. I've been such a good girl lately, it's ridiculous. I think Damien's been a good influence on my not drinking...possibly because he doesn't drink, and being drunk around sober people is not my idea of a good time!! I have so much TV to catch up on!! I haven't watched Up All Night, Modern Family, Jersey Shore, Big Bang Theory, The Challenge, Community...omg so much to catch up on!!

Dentist appointment tomorrow at 9am...FML. I tried to call and reschedule it this morning, but I was too late, and now I have to go to the dentist uber early!! I need to start working out more and possibly not eating everything in sight. When I get's gym time, and tanning!! Then wine!!

Ooh I had a nutella, strawberry, banana crepe after lunch and it was soooo yummy!!!! This crepe was also accompanied by chocolate gelato. YUM....haha see what I mean by eating unhealthy...yeesh..must stop now.