Friday 30 March 2012


TODAY IS PAY DAY and FRIDAY!!! and BOWLING TONIGHT!! I'm so excited!! I got my hair done last night and it looks and feels sooo much better. I was going through a serious "must get hair done" phase!

Yesterday was so much fun at the Stampede Kickoff! Me and Dames went down to Olympic Plaza, and Brad met us down there! Nicole also found us while we were waiting in line at Perogy Boyz! We were in line for an hour and a half and the three perogies were totally worth it!! YUM YUM YUM!!

Bleh I'm bored of work already!! GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!!!

Thursday 29 March 2012



Welcome to the best Thursday far this spring/summer!!

Stampede Kickoff is at Olympic Plaza today at 11:30, and the food trucks will be there and line dancing, and most importantly...PAUL BRANDT. I'm going to take so many pictures!!! So excited! I'm going to see how early I can sneak out of the office today to get there asap!

Another exciting tidbit about today: I'm FINALLY getting my hair done!! THANK FUCK. It's been way too long. I like it dark but I also want to lighten it up for the's just very confusing. I think I need to lighten it up...we'll see what Robyn can do...she's a miracle worker!



Wednesday 28 March 2012

Oh my! It's Wednesday!!

I was about to title this post Boozeday Tuesday or something like that, until I realized it's Wednesday!

LAST NIGHT WAS TACO NIGHT! Silly me didn't take any pics to prove it, but I swear it happened! Dames came over and we ate and watched TV, it was a pretty awesome and relaxing night!

MY STOMACH IS KILLING ME. Well maybe it's a little below the stomach...You know when girls complain about their rag and you're just like: "Okay we get it!! blablabla...get over it!" But it fucking hurts and for some reason I always forget how sucky it is until it happens again. I think I try to block the pain out of my mind...the worst.

Tonight is The Challenge Finale!!!! OMG the moment we've been waiting for!! I should probably watch last week's episode again because I'm drawing a blank on who's in the final. I'm pretty sure it's CT/Diem, Ty/Emily, and Camilla/Johnny. Very exciting!!! I'm rooting for CT and Diem because I secretly hope they rekindle their romance and live happily ever after!! I may have to record The Challenge tonight because I think me and my lover are going to yoga!! LOVER YOGA!!! Somehow it seems less sexual considering the state my hooha is in right now. *Tear

Tomorrow is this Stampede kick off at Olympic Plaza and I'm so excited!!! Me and Damien are going to get dressed up in our Stampede gear and go!! In my mind there will be free food, line dancing, and ridiculous pictures! I'm so excited!!! There is so much to look forward to this week!! Along with this exciting stampede kick off party, I'm also getting my hair done tomorrow, and then having wine night with the gals next door at OJ's! Friday we're all going bowling!!! Saturday is my auntie lou's 60th bday partayyy and Sunday is lazy Sunday!!!


Tuesday 27 March 2012

Wine Night at Original Joe's!! Absofuckinlutely!

Oh ya it's wine night, we're gonna drink it right, wine is sucha a treat it is the world's best....beverage...

haha I am so freaking loopy today it's ridiculous. All the more reason to have some wine with a few glorious girlfriends!!

The boss is out of town for the rest of the week, which means this sexy bitch ain't doin fuck all at work! Is that any different from any other day you may ask...and the answer to that question is NO! I've been trying REALLY REALLY hard not to spend money on food today and it's proving difficult. I had spaghetti, went for a run, had some oatmeal and a pack of m&ms. I'm fucking hungry. I'm drinking a diet coke right now to ease my stomach growls, I think it may be counter productive. On the plus side, I have yet to succumb to the food, which means I'm winning the battle of the bulge! I'm going to my parents house after work to get some food, and my mother mentioned something about chopping up vegetables...sure mom, I'll chop some vegetables! Clearly I'm losing my mind since I'm actually not complaining about vegetables. It's over. I'm going home now! <3

*I was so out of it when I wrote this entry, that I forgot to publish it. Oh me...

The morning after wine night....

I am hung the fuck over. What's the saying about the hair of the dog? I feel like it could be applied to my current situation. I knew I was going to go home yesterday after work and indulge in a bottle of wine, but I really saw myself passing out at around 9pm and waking up fresh as a daisy! If you saw me right now you would not think I look fresh as a daisy!

Last night I left work early since I didn't take a lunch (still waiting to see if I get yelled at for that), and rushed home to watch MAD MEN!!! I actually kind of forgot how slow and somewhat dull Mad Men is...don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Mad Men, but you have to admit, it's not the most upbeat television show. So there I was, on the couch, just me, a bottle of wine, my fur baby, a blanket, and my stirfry!! OOH I bought new stirfry mix with baby corn!!! LOVE baby corn. Anyways, I was shit faced by 6pm, and pretty sure I had polished off my bottle of wine by this point, besides the last glass I was nursing. I had moved on to the AMAZING RACE by this point, and then watched something else...Whitney reruns? Random amazing shows on the PVR. At some point during the evening me and Vanessa had decided to hang out, so she came over with CHOCOLATE!!! You know who knows the way to a woman's heart? WOMEN!! V brought over Dairy Milk (YUM) and Peanut M&Ms (DOUBLE YUM). We ate chocolate, drank more wine, made some popcorn, and there goes my diet! Fuck it, stupid dieting.

I think tonight is FINALLY taco night with Dames!! Like seriously, craving tacos over here! Also if you live in Calgary and you're reading this, fuck this weather. If you're not in Calgary and reading this, we're having terrible rainy, cold, snowy weather and it's making me want to run home and hide under my blankets with three bottles of wine, because sometimes two isn't enough, and no one wants to leave bed for more wine...although I guess if you did have to leave bed for something, wine would be the thing you'd want to leave it for. I think I'm on a wine bender. Definitely!!


Monday 26 March 2012


I could use a long weekend!! I didn't want this weekend to end!!

Friday night me and Damien made perogies, but they didn't turn out as delicious and epic as I was hoping. The dough we used was hard and gross! We used whole wheat flour, eggs, and water...terrible. The insides of the perogies were delicious though!! We mashed up some potatoes and added some onions for one filling, and the other filling was veggie chili!! We also had a dessertrogie which was strawberry jam with strawberry chunks inside! I definitely just squeezed the perogie innards out and threw out the gross dough. MMM we also had some wine with the rogies...mmm wine.

Saturday was the most epic/lazy day of my life! I got home in the morning and usually I go to yoga, stop in for a tan, and then get a Starbucks, but oh no, not this Saturday!! Saturday morning I got home, watched TV, attempted to make an omelet, which turned out to be more of an egg/veggie mixture, and cracked a Rickard's White (OMGYUM). I got into the jar of crunchy peanut butter, watched Khloe and Lamar, Ice Loves Coco, Real Housewives of Atlanta, and the OC, made a stirfry with rice vermicelli, and then finally fell into a Saturday afternoon coma. I napped from 2:00pm - 5:30pm, then made my way to Nicole's house down south for Vietnamese food, wine, and Modern Family!! Most amazing Saturday ever!!

Me and Nicole passed out Saturday night around 11pm, woke up at 9am Sunday morning, and proceeded to watch more Episodes of Modern Fam! We went to Timmy Hos for coffee and muffins and relaxed ALL day!!! We eventually had a Caesar, and opened a bottle of shiraz! I left Nicole's after watching 24 episodes of Modern Family, and went to Damien's house to watch more TV...drink more wine, and attack his Nutella!

I could seriously use one more day of epic TV/couch/wine time!!! I miss it already! I'm planning my next weekend to be pretty much the same as this last weekend!! Oooh and hopefully tonight will be amazeballs TACO night with all the left over fixins from perogie night!!! <3

Happy MONDAY!!!

Wednesday 21 March 2012


LOVING this website: about young professionals! I especially love the YYC link so I know what's hot in Calgary, although let's be honest, I'm all over that already!! This website makes me want to go to the nearest pub and have a cocktail!!

Humpity Hump Day!

Happy HUMP DAY!!!! I haven't been in the blogging mood terrible!! It's possibly because my life is a big bore and nothing exciting is happening!

My Yoga Passage three month unlimited pass is coming to an end April 13th, so I've been doing a little yoga studio research to see if I want to try a new place! I do want to branch out, but so far from what I've seen, Yoga Passage is perfect for my current life situation! The classes I want (ashtanga, vinyasa flow, warm yoga, and hot yoga) are at Yoga Passage at the times I want, and the classes are never busy to the point where you can't find a place for your mat. The location is PRIME, and I could walk to the studio if I wanted to. I should probably just buy another unlimited pass to Yoga Passage and maybe just do drop-ins at different studios around my area. I went online to check out a few but they weren't very appealing to me, or maybe I'm stuck in my yoga ways with this one studio, AH okay I'll branch out!!! There's a hot yoga studio on 17th ave that looks promising, and aptly named: Hot Yoga on 17th.

In other news, indecisive me had a freak out about going back to school, but I decided I need to do it. I was contemplating going traveling, but then I'd get back home and just have to go back to some stupid admin job again. Fucking terrible. I can travel anytime anyways. I talked to my dad about buying a condo while I was going back to school...we'll see how that goes! My parents own a few rental properties inner-city Calgary so hopefully one of them becomes available for moi! That would be divine!

OH. MY. PIZZA. GOD. Me and Damien finally went to UNA last night, after talking about going for atleast a freaking month!! In our defense, we're both lazy, and he was sick for a bit....but mostly the laziness factor...although he did go there in his sweatpants so maybe laziness isn't the problem. ANYWAYS, the pizza was soooo yummy!!! I have to say I liked it better than Double Zero and Famoso. With super thin crust pizzas, I find they can be a little soggy because the sauce and cheese weighs them down, but this pizza was quite crispy I must say! We got a margherita pizza and bagna cauda pizza which had: zucchini, tomato, artichoke hearts, smoked olive, spinach, ricotta salata. Partay in your mouth!! We obviously had some wine with the pizza...mmm wine, AND some strawberry soy ice cream, which I have been craving!!
Eating what you're craving = best thing ever.

Other things that I need to blog about:

St. Patty's Day disaster
Lauren's Bday and my bday cake disaster

Thursday 15 March 2012

Cute Kitties and Wine Nights

Sup SUP home slices!!

It's Thursday afternoon and I am sooooo excited that tomorrow is Friday!!! I entered Floufy in a "dramatic cat" contest today!! The Calgary Humane Society is giving away CATS musical tickets and I hope I win!!!

How could that cute kitty cat not win? What a poser! hah I'm hyper. Yoga day three did not go as planned. I was walking home from work yesterday and suddenly got crazy light headed, and felt so weird!! I started thinking what I was doing differently lately that would make me feel so weak and weird, and thought maybe it was because I had left my contacts in for a week and a half and my eyes weren't getting enough oxygen. Once I thought I was becoming oxygen deprived I freaked my freak and started googling what happens when you wear your contacts too long on my iPhone, which was being slow as fuck and freaking me out even more!!! The reason my contacts have been in since the dawn of time AKA last last week, is because my contact solution ran out and I was so poor I didn't want to buy any more!! I'm buying more contact solution tonight don't worry. Anywho, during my weak stumble home, I stopped in at Safeway and got some Vector bars and crunchy peanut butter granola bars in hopes of increasing my energy!! I got home and laid on the couch until Nicole came over to chill and drink vino.

Last night was a very drunk night to be Stephanie Edwards. Nicole showed up with three bottles of wine, and we polished off two of them. Holy wine night batman. I'm going to have to re-watch all the television we tried to watch last night!! Modern Family, Happy Endings, and Whitney. I'm surprised I went for a run today! It was such a beautiful day in Calgary! I took some really pretty shots outside of the river and trees! I'm so happy spring has sprung!

2 days until the St. Paddy's epic shit show!! WOOHOO!!!

Wednesday 14 March 2012

WANTED: Victoria's Secret BIKINIS!!

I cannot take my eyes away from these beauties (the girls and the bikinis). WANT ALL THE BIKINIS!!!

Yoga Day THREE!

Morning!! Happy HUMP day!!

Yoga day one and two were a success, so let's see how yoga day 3 goes! I'm guessing it will go amazingly! Last night I did hot yoga and tonight will be a warm flow yoga! Hopefully by the weekend I can be back to my almost pre-vegas weight. 4 pounds...hah and it's only Wednesday...I'm guesstimating by Saturday I'll be....114. That's a good goal...I should probably just not eat until Saturday.

Saturday is St. Paddy's day!!! WOOP WOOP!!! My sister is also coming to town this weekend!! So exciting!!! I need to get her something for her BDAY. I was thinking we could go for pedicures and then I could get her some earrings or something...that sounds nice :) ooh maybe we could go see a movie!! We're having brunch Sunday morning aka the morning after St. Paddy's...fuck I'm going to be hungover I just know it. I'm kind of hoping since I'm going to Jen's bday with Damien I won't drink as much as I usually do....I'm so screwed. Last St. Paddy's day I was high on MDMA and falling downstairs backwards with a dress on...hahah on a Thursday. Work was rough that Friday morning!  
Reasons I don't do drugs: Last St. Patrick's Day.

Oh. Em. Gee. Cougar Town was soooo awesome last night!! Since I'm a freaking Scrubs fanatic, I was over the moon when they pretty much brought out the whole Scrubs cast!! Ted and his acapella group were there, Elliot, JD, Kelso, The Todd!!! At the end of the episode they pulled out all the stops and all the Scrubs cast members came out and spooked Ted one at a time until it was Kelso's turn and Ted freaked out! Hahahaha I need to watch more Scrubs!!!
I was losing my shit laughing last night!! 

Another Epic TV night tonight!!! Modern Family, The Challenge, 
Happy Endings <3

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Yoga 30 Day Challenge Has Begun.

Good Morning!!! Blogging just doesn't seem right without a cup of coffee...brb...

Mmm Tuesday morning French Vanilla coffee :) How sweet it is!

Yesterday I started day 1 of my 30 day yoga challenge!! WOOHOO!! I went to hot yoga at Yoga Passage and it was AMAZING!! I'm not sure if I mentioned I was going to start a 30 day yoga challenge...but it's happening! I decided to go to yoga everyday until my pass runs out because I feel I haven't fully taken advantage of my 3 month unlimited yoga pass. Since last night, I hadn't gone to yoga before Vegas...atleast 2 weeks ago! Terrible! I'm hoping starting yoga again will help me shed my fat layer that has snuck up! Very very sneaky sir!! I also want to buy some cute Victoria Secret bikinis for the summer and won't be happy if I'm chunky during houseboating. OMG HOUSEBOATING. I'm sooo excited!!! I've never been houseboating before and it's going to be so much fun!! I can just imagine the cute bikinis I'll be wearing!!

Paul and Randy came back from Jamaica last and slept on my couch! Just a couple of beauts! I tried to stay awake for some late night bonding, but my body was just having none of it. I fell asleep as soon as we walked in the door. Alright so tonight will be Yoga Challenge Day Numero Dos!! 6:10 Hot Yoga!!
Perfection <3

Monday 12 March 2012

Mooooonday!!! Daylight Savings!!

Morning!!! I'm not even tired this morning! Woohooo!! I slept all day yesterday. It was amazing. This weekend was relaxing and so much fun!

Friday me and Damien had waffle night and they were sooo amazing!!! Whipped cream, strawberries, bananas, chocolate sauce, raspberry sauce, maple syrup!!! So good.

Saturday I went for a tan, ran, then Steph came over and we had the most epic night!! Yeesh Saturday was an epic shit show...Steph came over around 4:30pm with a 26 of vodka, which did not last very long! We drank the 26, and went to our friend Robyn's hair salon for an art show, although it was more of a "get drunk in a hair salon" situation! They had an open bar, which was crazy since we'd already drank a bottle of vodka...I'm pretty sure we stayed at the salon until 11pm, which is when we all made our way to the gay bar!!! Nicole, Jeff, and Matt were there...ooh and I forgot to mention John and Giulia joined!! Giulia is John's new GF, and she is really awesome! We approve :)

Yesterday was the laziest day of life!!! I woke up way too early, made a pot of KD...ate the whole thing while watching Bride Wars, then fell back asleep until about 3pm. Damien called and said he was going to have a nap, so I went over there and we napped until around 6:30pm, until we got hungry for PIZZA!! We had a date night planned for last night to go to UNA for pizza and wine, but Dames has a cold and I was hungover as balls, so we ordered in from Famoso!!! So yummy...I had the Palermo pizza which was: tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, roasted garlic, feta, sun-dried tomatoes, spinach, fresh basil. Damien got the Siciliana pizza which was: Italian sausage, Italian ham and baked prosciutto. They were both soooo good!!!! Mmm pizza :) We also got two pints of Ben and Jerry's which was clearly a necessity!! We ate the cookie dough pint with Nesquik syrup!!! What a delicious night!!

MAYDAY MAYDAY I only have one month left of my Yoga Passage unlimited pass!!!! I'm going to go everyday until April 13th. This is not a drill. Tonight will be either the 6:10 Ashtanga class or 8:00 hot yoga!! I get to leave work early today since I came in early!! WOOHOO MONDAY!!! Paul and Randy also come in at 10:30 tonight!!! BUSY BEEEE!!!

Happy Yoga Week <3

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Money Found: Life Improved!

I have found an account within my account that lets me take money out of intriguing! Hopefully my dad doesn't find out!! I only took 60 bucks though....for now :) My money depression has lifted and life is 100 percent amazeballs once again!!! Hallelujah!! This means my week is just so much happier!! Tomorrow night I can meet the girls at OJs for Wine Night, Saturday we can all go out to Craft!! Me and Dames can go to Una for our Pizza and Wine dinner night!!!! Haha and there goes my 60 bucks...Can't wait!!!

Poor Poor Stephanie

I am soooo poor!!! Clearly my budgeting has not gone well, and I have 3 bucks to last a week. WHYYYYYYYYYY. I need to just go home and hibernate for a week. It's over, I admit defeat. On the plus side, I'm wearing my cute Michael Kors watch, and gave myself a mani/pedi last night, so I'm pink pink pink today!!

GOOD TV IS ON TONIGHT!!! Modern Family! The Challenge! Happy Endings! I just got instantly soooo excited to watch The Challenge!! If you haven't been watching should, it's quality programming!! Drama, romance, physical challenges...chicks in bikinis!!! I really want CT and Diem to work out their love on The Challenge, but I just don't know if my TV dreams will come true...*tear... I guess I'll just have to keep on watching!! I wonder if the next Real World will be any good...sometimes it's hit or miss. The only one I've found pretty boring lately is The Real World Washington, maybe it's because when I think about Washington I think about politics...but everyone else thought it was boring too, so I'm not alone!!

Floufy has gone insane with his cuddles, and is clearly starved for affection! Last night no matter where me and Dames were hanging out, Floufy found a way to cuddle his way in-between us! What a cute, cuddly kitty. I've already instagrammed a couple pictures of him! There is the CUTEST cat on instragram, and I can't stop looking at pics of him!! Alright I get it, I'm a crazy cat lady, but they're just so cute and furry and cuddly!!!

Predictions: Wine watching TV tonight!!! <3

PS....Here's that ridiculously cute cat I was talking about! I hate to admit it, but this cat makes Flouf look like a....ah I can't finish that sentence!! I LOVE MY CAT!!!

My good friend Stephanie has brought Skittles Vodka to my attention:

I'm definitely going to make some ASAP!!!

Tuesday 6 March 2012

8am and I've eaten my lunch...crap

Top of the Tuesday to ya!

I ate my spaghetti for breakfast this morning, and now I'm sad because all I have to look forward to for lunch is oatmeal. hahah fml. On the bright side, it's one week until payday AND until I can actually spend money on food!! I also forgot tax season is among us, and I totally get money this year!! I took that Physics class last winter which will count towards my taxes, and my RSPs, and this JOB!!!!! Last year I think I got around 4500 bucks. Hopefully I get the same this year and I can pay off most of my credit card. CHA CHING. The first thing I need to do when I get a dollar to my name is get my hair done!! And perhaps a pedicure...and a new watch strap!! This is exciting!

My plan to lose my Vegas belly this week is going swimmingly! Only 3 pounds to go and I'm back to normal, non-belly Stephanie. There's a piece of cake that's still haunting me in the's black forest *drool.

My plan to make 50 bucks last 12 days could be going worse. I owe Casey 20 bucks for lunch, note to self, but other than that it's been smooth sailing! I should go pan handle for some weekend money!! I think us girls have a fun girls night planned for this weekend!! WOOP WOOP!!! OOH me and Dames got caught up on Cougar Town and Up All Night last night...and something else, ooh Parks and Rec which I'm going to have to start getting into!! It's so cold in Calgs right now, all I want to do is snuggle, eat, and watch TV....and go shopping....for lingerie. Prowwww!!

Monday 5 March 2012

Weird...I Don't Hate This Monday....

MORNING!!! I'm not in a bad Monday mood for some reason, and I'm not sure why! Sunny brought me black forest cake this morning, but I need to avoid eating it because this is the week I lose my Vegas belly!! There is currently a blizzard going on outside, but hopefully by lunch it will be a little clearer so I can go for a run! After work I fully plan on going to yoga since I have no more excuses NOT to go!

I'm mildly hungover this morning..oopsies!! Paul and Randy were in town last night and shit got real. They got in yesterday morning, so we went for breakfast at Blue Star Diner with Paul's sisters, cousin, and Casey! I got a delicious veggie burger! YUM YUM! We went to the Drum last night, and then to Twisted to watch a drag show and DANCE till about 1am. I love Paul. He's the best. Luckily I didn't cry too much last night about him...haha just a couple little tears!

I think I'm going to google how to be a better girlfriend. I feel like I'm the worst girlfriend EVER. I don't cook...or do whatever the hell girlfriends are supposed to do...fuck it I'm googling this shit right now. Side note: There is a man sitting here waiting for my boss and I really hope he can't see what I'm doing on the comp right now because it's between Facebook, blogging, and looking up how to be a good girlfriend, I'm pretty much a 16 year old girl.

OKAY. I've googled how to be a good girlfriend and have found an article on AskMen:

Top 10: Traits Of A Great Girlfriend

Independent - Okay....I'm pretty independent...I have a my dad does fill my car up sometimes and I am going to go back to school so he'll have to pay for that...NEXT
Intelligent - "The bimbo routine gets real old, real fast." I'm so fucked...I always act like a naive little girl. NEXT...
Sexual - Well I'm always down for that, unless I'm riding the crimson wave. NEXT
She's Beautiful - They mention something about sexy lingerie..and matching bras and pizzanties. SOLD
She Respects You - "This means that she listens to you, even if she doesn't necessarily agree with what you're saying. And, of course, she never tries to demean or belittle you in any way, shape, or form." NEXT

I've learned so much and I'm only on trait 5! I also have the attention span of a poodle and am over this now...

New plan: Look sexy and learn to cook something that isn't pasta! Sounds do-able! Maybe learn something about something and drop some knowledge bombs! I'm so screwed...

Happy Monday :)

Friday 2 March 2012

Make-Up and Vodka Night Starring Stephanie Edwards and Michelle Phan Videos!

My new plan for tonight:
Get drunk, watch Michelle Phan videos, and put on crazy make up!!!
Chances I'll end up looking like a clown: 99.9%
Obviously pictures will be posted.

Update: This didn't happen. Instead, I went to the bar with a bottle of vodka and fresca in my purse! WIN!

Serious Case of the Fridays: Happening Now

I have crazy brain today and I feel like I'm on a different planet! I also only have 50 bucks to last me 12 days, so that's promising! I'm going to have to stock up on food at the rents and then just buy nothing and sit in my room with my liter of vodka and cry....although I have a pretty good life right now, and Paul's coming to visit...I am happy! Now it's time for...

How to Survive on $50 for 12 Days:

Food: Steal that shit from the rents
Alcohol: I have 2 liters of vodka in the freezer
Makeup: Stocked up in Vegas
Tanning: Unlimited bitches!!!
Gym: In my apartment bitches!!
Yoga: Unlimited bitches!!
I'll stop saying "bitches" now...
Partying: Go to places without cover and pre-drink the shit out of life. If you must have an alcoholic beverage whilst at the bar, buy a couple pocket shots at the liquor store for 2 bucks a piece, stuff them in your bra, order a diet coke (which they give you sans charge), and you're golden!! 
Gas (for the car...): Hopefully my parents topped it up, and I guess I'll find out when my car gets back from the shop this afternoon!

And that, my friends, is how I plan on surviving 12 days on 50 bucks...hell I bet I could survive off 5 bucks!! My plan is fool proof!

I sound so optimistic now, but I have a feeling by next week I'll be wanting to die in a puddle of poorness.

I may have to sell a kidney...just kidding, I've looked into's illegal...also selling your eggs isn't legal in Canada. All these things I'm willing to sell, and no legal market for it! Just terrible....

Have a great weekend, and hopefully you have more money than me!
You probably do. Lucky people.

Thursday 1 March 2012


I AM SO EXCITED TO DRINK WINE TONIGHT!!!!!!! Casey and Martina are coming over to watch Jersey Shore and drink WINE!!!! Why isn't it 5:00 right now!!! I just want to go home, but on some comfy sweats, and relax!! We're also going for a tan which will be so nice since I haven't gone tanning in what feels like MONTHS. In reality I think it's more like a week and a half! My car's in the shop right now and I either get it back tonight or tomorrow which is also great news! Good news all around today! For my birthday a lot of my friends brought me a bottle of wine, so I have a few kickin around just begging to be opened and drank!! DRINK ALL THE WINE! Me and Mel also both brought back a liter of vodka each from duty free, so there's also that to consume!

I've been really bored today and somehow came across this girl's YouTube page, and have watched multiple videos! Her name is Michelle Phan and she does these sweet ass tutorial videos for crazy make up!!! I'm addicted!!!

This is my fave!!! GAGA!!!

OOH LALA!!!! <3