Thursday 31 May 2012

I can TASTE the weekend!

John Thai's birthday is Friday!!!! I am severely beyond stoked!! I want to dance all night long!! Saturday is Mel's parents' 50th birthdays (what a mouthful), and we're going to have a little shindig at her place! I think I'm in charge of greeting people, and sending them to the bar of course!! I think Sunday I'm having dindin with dames and his mom, and sister, which should be delicious and cute! Everyone keeps asking me if I'm nervous to meet Damien's mom....I don't think I am? I think it's different when you've been friends with the person you're dating, because I'd want to meet his mom even if we weren't dating!

I found a cute bikini for the photo-shoot in a couple weeks! I've been trying to get to yoga as much as possible, so I have some sort of a decent body for this thang! Thank god for photoshop!! Hopefully I can get back to running next week, my legs are still kind of hurtin units at the moment!

Trying to find an exciting male speedo in Calgary: Freaking impossible!!! Me and Dames went bathing suit shopping last night, and could not find a fun patterned speedo for him! I asked our friend Asia, who's in Thailand, if they had any exciting patterns, and I am patiently waiting a response! So far, the only cool patterns I've found are on eBay. We're obviously just going to have to go on a trip to Europe and collect all of the amazing speedos!! That's really the only answer to our speedo problem! I tried to order one from speedo online in the US, but found out they don't ship to Canada....I haven't told Damien that sad news yet.

Clearly I have a lot of really unrelated things to talk about today!! MY HAIR. I'm so confused with what I want to do with my hair lately!! I like having highlights in the summer, but when I look at pics of myself, I prefer myself with dark hair. CONUNDRUM (not just a tasty wine!) I booked an appointment with Aveda for highlights today, but I think I might cancel and dwell over what to do a little bit longer. boss seems to be out of town, which makes me want to ditch out early and get my hair done...DILEMMA.


Tuesday 29 May 2012

Couch Blogging!

I did not make it to work this morning! Whoopsies! Me and Mel got shit bombed last night for her bday partayyyy!! We went for dinner with her fam at Chicago Chophouse which was delicious! I got steak :) an 8oz tenderloin to be more exact. I obviously got the garlic mashed taters to go along with it!

We went to the casino after and lost a couple hundy each. Moment of silence for the lost monies. We met some guys at the casino and all went to Hudsons for industry night!! Reasons I did not make it to work today.

TACO TUESDAY!! today! I couldn't decided if I wanted a soft taco, or hard, so I got both. After I ate both tacos, I decided the soft was the best :) Me, Mel, and Kyley are currently watching Goon! It's a hockey movie and got an 80% on rotten tomatoes! Mama likey!!

Tonight me and dames are going to lobster fest at 1410!! Wine and lobster baby! Damien said he wants more drama in our relationship...who wants drama in a relationship?? Ooh I just finished watching Grey's Anatomy FINALLY!! Tears were shed, and floufy was looking at me with his worried cat eyes! My review for the Grey's Anatomy season finally: freaking phenomenal!!

Happy Taco Tuesday!!!

Monday 28 May 2012

Marathon Running = Pain

I actually ran my marathon on the weekend! I really didn't think it was going to happen. Around the 33km mark I started dying a slow death. I had 3 of those power bar gels which were disgusting, but I think they worked! A nice man gave me a doughnut too which was nice! I spent all day in Damien's bed yesterday not moving, and there was ice cream involved!! White chocolate raspberry gelato to be more precise! Today my knees hurt, and my back, and I'm walking like there's a pole shoved up my ass. I'm pretty sure everyone who sees me thinks I had a wild night of bum sex! Note for future marathoners: The next day you will walk like you've had gnarly bum sex.

Tomorrow I'm going to eat lobster for the first time! Crazy that I haven't had lobster before...I wonder if it's fatty...haha I need to be good! It's bikini season!! Oooh me and Damien are going to get matching bathing suits for the summer!! It's about to get sexy!!


Friday 25 May 2012


I'm so happy it's finally the weekend!! This weekend is Melly Mel Mel's birthday weekend, which equals party times!!! I do have my marathon on Sunday, so it will just be party times tonight, and I probably shouldn't drink tomorrow.

I need to go shopping for a new dress to wear tonight! OR I may just wear this cute lace dress I have from Aritzia. I really want a new dress though!! H&M always has cute/cheap dresses! SHOPPING!

Today at noon I have a gyno consultation for this IUD. It's taking forever for me to get this stupid birth control. Hopefully I don't cramp up and want to kill myself. I can handle the cramps, as long as there's no one wants to feel chunky in the summer time!

Tonight we're having everyone over to our condo for the big birthday bash! Mel decorated a beer pong table, and I plan on DOMINATING!! After pre drinking at the condo, we're going to go dance our cute butts off at the drum and monkey!! I feel like I haven't gone out since the dawn of time, but in reality it was last Saturday night.


Thursday 24 May 2012

Rain Rain Go Away...Please :)

It seems the rain has followed us home from Vancouver, and I am not impressed!

I did not make it to yoga last night. Terrible I know. I went for a tan, and was so freaking tired I couldn't even imagine doing 90 minutes of hot yoga! Soooo instead of doing yoga, I watched The Real Housewives of Vancouver, and some food network!! Perogy Boyz were on Eat St last night, and I can't believe I didn't PVR it!!! I'm sure it'll be on again this weekend. It better be. I really want to make perogies again, filled with amazing and weird ingredients!

It's wine night!!!! WEEOOOHHH!!! Tonight I really want to a) go tanning!! b) go to yoga!! c) DRINK WINE.

I have officially run out of contacts and am too cheap to buy more. This could become a situation very very quickly. I really just need to order them online. We'll see.

For this pin-up photo shoot I'm doing mid June, I really don't want to wear white lingerie. I'm going to go to Victoria's Secret on the weekend and just buy whatever the fuck I want and he can deal with it. White lingerie just does not appeal to me, plus I've been tanning and the white will really bring out my uber fake tanned-ness. SEXY. I'm soooo ready for the weekend!!!! SLEEPING AND PARTYING!!!

Hopefully I make it to yoga tonight. This rainy weather makes me want to stay inside with my gal pals, a bottle of wine, watching reality TV!!

UPDATE: After looking up white lingerie on Victoria's Secret online, it actually looks pretty sexy!

Wednesday 23 May 2012


Good morning!!!

I started doing yoga again!!! WEEOOHH!!! Operation sexy summer body is back on!! Yoga Passage is having this amazing summer deal right now that I could not pass on! 2 months for 100 dollars. Who could say no to that?

I'm getting so excited for house boating and Stampede, it is crazy! Damien asked me to look up some Stampede information this morning, and now I'm so freaking excited it's unbelievable. Stampede is an extremely hectic time, but hopefully this year will be chill and not stressful! I just hate waiting in line,
and during Stampede there are lines everywhere!!! Drink lines, ride lines, ticket lines, party lines, bar lines, sex lines, haha no sex lines. Atleast houseboating will be zero stress and all relaxation!! OMG I'm going to have an epic tan, I can just picture it now! Maybe I can squeeze in a tan tonight. Tan, pick up floufy, yoga!! Sounds like the perfect night!!

I love short work weeks!! I can't believe it's Wednesday already! SO awesome. Ooh last night at yoga I ran into one of my friends from high school. I'm pretty sure he wanted nothing to do with me when I asked him about his failed relationship with his girlfriend of 8 got awkward. We were doing a lot of back bends last night and did some throat openers, which apparently dig into your emotions and some people actually get emotional during them. I kept imagining my old high school friend tearing up across the room. It's not my fault for bringing up an ex though, what are you supposed to talk to someone about who you haven't seen since high school? We talked about school, university, yoga, running, and what's next? Mutual friends!! She was a mutual friend! Apparently the break-up is recent too. I hope I see him again so I can talk about something less depressing, like skittles!!

Marathon update: Yesterday was a good run, and today will be even better!! I feel a little better about this whole running for 5.5 hours thing!!

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Long Weekend in VAN!

Morning!!! SO I didn't mention I was going to Vancouver in my precious long weekend post, because I wanted to surprise Paul, and it worked!!! Casey and I drove out to Kamloops Friday after work, stayed the night, and continued onto Van the next morning!! We went to the beach, had cocktails, went to the gay bar, the aquarium, and had the best time ever!! The drive to and from Van didn't seem as terrible as everyone had warned me it would be, but I guess speeding like a crazy person gets you where you need to be a lot faster :) I did get pulled over, but Casey flashed her beautiful blue eyes and got us out of that ticket!!

I am running my marathon in 5 days. I'm so fucked. I started googling "How to run a marathon with minimal training" and found a great blog entry which renewed my faith!!

Ah okay it's lunch and I have to go run 10k in hopes that I still have a chance!!

Monday 21 May 2012

Casey's Snoring and I'm Ready to Go Home!!

Morning!!! I'm in Vancouver laying on Chris' floor right now and am so ready to go back to calgs!! This is going to be a really rough drive and I'm not looking forward to it. The first thing I need to do is subtlety wake Casey up! She is fast asleep and I've been fucking around on my phone... It's already 7:30am in Calgary and we need to get this show on the road! I want to go home! Hah whiniest post ever. Is whiniest even a word? It's too early for grammar.

Friday 18 May 2012


I LOVE MAY LONG!!!! I never have a bad May Long. I think one of my most epic may long weekends was when it was super nice out, and I lived at my old condo. My friend Matt was in from Sask, and he went rafting down the river with his buds, and they got red lobster burns! My old roommate Sylvan was living with me back then, and I called in sick to work at Starbucks all weekend! Memories...

This long weekend will be filled with memories too!!! I'm going to need to bring out my adorable bright pink canon camera! I LOVE MY CAMERA. It is the cutest camera of all time. Unfortunately it's a little scratched from being drunkenly dropped at the bar. Sad.

I have some VERY exciting news!!! I was scheduled to start my hmmhmm during houseboating, but since it was two days late, it's going to miss houseboating COMPLETELY!!! What are the chances!! I must have had some good built up karma for that to happen! I did freak out when my rag was a couple days late though, mostly because I'm a crazy person. I started googling pre-cum and how to get pregnant without jizz getting in you...haha what else did I google.. sperm coming out in your urine and hiding in your penis...hahahaha I should not have access to google sometimes.




Thursday 17 May 2012

WEEPOO - Words My Autocorrect Loves

If this blog post makes absolutely no sense, it's not you, it's me.

Last night me and Mel went to NICKELBACK. I don't get why everyone has a hate on for Nickelback, I quite enjoy them, and by "quite enjoy them" I mean fucking LOVE them!! We were going to go to the cashino after the concert, but after being on our high heels for 5 hours, we decided it was time for a bottle of wine and the Real Housewives of Vancouver!! Best decision ever. We also watched Modern Family!!

I'm mildly hungover this morning. Luckily I can just sit here and relax since I finished all my work yesterday!! Perhaps I'll get a little studying done! I'm going for a run at lunch, it may be a half assed run, but atleast it'll be something productive. My knee doesn't hurt anymore, so I'm GOLDEN!!! Operation marathoning Stephanie is back in business!!

Oooh you know who is still insanely sexy? Gavin Rossdale. Bush opened for Nickelback. Haha I bet that's not something he thought would be happening in his prime. Even saying Bush opened for Nickelback sounds wrong, but alas that did happen. Foxy man. I think me and Mel decided we were going to have a foursome with him and Gwen. I should tweet him about it.

Have a sexy Thursday!!!

Almost May Long WEEKEND!!!


Wednesday 16 May 2012

Red Dress and White Stockings...??

Good Morning!!

I forgot my cellphone at home this morning and feel completely out of touch with the world! I painted my nails a radiant shade of purple, and went to share it with the instagram world, but nope! No phone = no instagram! Now I'm typing away, and smudging my nails all over the place!

SO for this pin up shiz I'm going to wear this red dress, and the photographer suggested white stockings and a garter to go with it. White stocking. White stocking on a girl who's been hitting the tanning salon like it's going out of business. I don't know how amazing this will look, and I don't even know what shoes I would wear with a red dress and white lingerie...sounds unfortunate, but what do I know! At least I can be an angel for Halloween with this white lingerie I shall be purchasing! It's really a Halloween investment, which now means I have to go out for Halloween, and not just out, SLUTTY out. I SUPPOSE I could just wear the lingerie for my boyfriend like normal girls do, and not parade it at the Back Alley. OKAY when I say the Back Alley, just clarifying it's a club, and not an actual back alley!

I'm running home at lunch and getting my phone. It's been decided.

For those of you who are wondering how my marathon training is going I shall do a little marathoning update!! It's going....alright. Since it rained last week I didn't run, so when I started back at my 10k/day runs on Monday my knee got very angry with me. Since I knew I needed to keep running, I went for another 10k run yesterday and then my knee got extremely angry! I couldn't even sleep it hurt so much. Today I'm not going to run 10k, I'm going to run home and run back which is only like 6k. Running is such a fucking pain in the ass. I've been running so much and I'm not losing any weight, and I really don't think I've been eating that much. I guess my hmm hmm is due soon, which is why I think I'm a fat ass.

KINJO was really delicious! We went to the one in Dalhousie, so there was no sushi boat, which Damien was sad about! The sushi was really delicious though, and I had some wine!! We got this mango dessert sushi which was so good, and since they didn't have any eel, they added more mango, which I was more than fine with!!! I LOVE SUSHI!!! I am kind of over sushi for this moment though, me and Damien have been eating so much freaking sushi! It's amazing, but I need a little breather!!

TONIGHT IS NICKELBACK (don't judge me)

Nickelback + Casino = AWESOME LADY DATE NIGHT!!!!

Happy Hump Day :)

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Operation Pin Up Photo-shoot

This morning I've been looking into outfits for my photo-shoot, and have found some cute ones!! I think I'm going to be doing a surfer girl, and sexy lady drinking a cocktail with a cute dress on!! I found some cute stuff online, but I may stop in at Blame Betty tonight to try some things on! I found this adorable blue polka dotted bikini, and a leopard print dress! I'm just going to have to invest I think! They're so cute!! I could even wear the leopard print dress for our next Jersey Shore night!!

Tonight is my sexy date night at Kinjo SUSHI!!! I've never been to Kinjo, and everyone always says how amazing it is, so yay!

Oh man, Crazy Plant Lady just walked in the door. She's going to make me home made cashew butter. I'm scared. 

Monday 14 May 2012

Wonderful Weekend!!!

Good Morning!!!

It is finally nice in Calgary, which has improved my mood by 100%!

Tonight is football, and I'm going to have to make a vodka cocktail in my water bottle FOR SURE!! Tomorrow is...relaxy night, I should go do yoga tomorrow night! Tomorrow is also pay day! WOOPWOOP, oooh and Cougar Town's on! Wednesday me and Mel are going to see NICKELBACK!!!! I don't get why everyone has such a hate on for Nickelback, I just love them and their catchy tunes! After Nickelback, me and Mel shall be hopping and skipping to the Cashino!!! Thursday is perhaps a wine night, and Fridayyyy is something extra exciting but it's a surprise so I'm keeping it on the DL!!

MAY LONG WEEKEND!!!! I weighed myself this morning, and didn't run screaming for the hills which was a good thing! Usually the Monday morning weigh-in is not a pleasant surprise...but I guess I have to be in a bikini soon so it's operation work it outttt. I'm running a marathon in 2 weeks. hahahhahaaha I'm sooooo screwed! I need to run so much this week and next week. I'm fucking running this thing. It's happening. It can't be that hard. It's just running....I just need to not be a fatty fat and just keep a good pace and it'll be FINE. I also need some music to keep me entertained. Running for over 4 hours...this could suck.....but then you can say you did it right? EEK, okay now I'm freaking out about sounds exhausting...maybe I should google some marathon running tips.


Our sushi turned out amazingly!! We looked at some YouTube videos, read some articles, and then said FUCK IT and just did our own thang...with some of the information we gathered of course!

Next Step: Dessert Sushi, Taco Sushi, Pizza Sushi!!! The possibilities are endless!

Friday 11 May 2012


It's FRIDAY FRIDAY!!!! Happy Friday!!! I am kind of hungover this morning!! Yikes!! Last night me and Dames went to the science center for adult night! SO MUCH FUN!! There was a bar (yay!), and dranks were only 5 bucks!! Steal of a deal.

I'm googling how to make your own sushi right now. I really want to make sushi!!! I'm sure they have kits for that that rolling thing...haha I clearly have no clue what I'm doing. I really want to go to the casino and play roulette. It's hard to find friends to go to the casino with you!!!

Saturday me and Casey are going to the back alley for her bro's bday partayyy!!! I'm pretty excited to go out dancing with one of my favorite gal pals! They started making blended beverages at the back alley and I need to test out their bellini to see how they compare to Earls, Joeys, and Milestones! Mmm delicious cocktails!!

Have a fabulous weeeeekend!!!!!!!


Thursday 10 May 2012


Why is it so hard to eat healthy and exercise and lose belly chunkkkkkkkkkk. Today I told myself I'd start being good and dieting, and then I got a vanilla latte and this epic scone, which probably has 1000 calories in it. I give up. It's over. I can't even go running today because I have to meet my stupid dad for stupid lunch and then go to the stupid doctor and get a stupid vagina exam. On the plus side, I showered this morning, so my doctor won't have some dirty vag to look at. Okay. Diet starts tomorrow. hahaha omg tomorrow's friday!!!! WEEEOOOHHH!!!!

Tonight me and Dames are going to the science center to build a car and race it and have cocktails!! YUM YUM YUM!!!! I hope this adult night at the science center is as amazing as I've been building it up to be in my head, or else I may cry. I'm sure it'll be a hoot!!

Operation do these expenses that have been haunting me since December. AND GO!!

Happy Thursday!! Almost the weekend!!


MY BOSS IS OUT OF TOWN UNTIL THE END OF THE WEEK!!! HALLELUJAH!! I'm so going running after lunch and the doc! Winning at Thursday over here!! :)

Wednesday 9 May 2012

I may have an additive personality.


I guess there could be worse vices, such as: Heroine, crack, ugly shoes, cat toys. Seriously though, I have been trying to do my expenses all day, nay, all week, and have just been looking at picture of delicious food, pretty nails, and cute cats on instagram! There is another app I can see myself falling into a sweet addiction with: Thumb. You ask the interweb a question such as: Do you like these sunglasses? and post a pic of the sunglasses, and people can either thumbs up, or thumbs down, and can also leave a comment if they choose to! So far I have thrown three earth shattering questions at the world:

1. Are you a cat person?
2. Do you like water crest?
3. Does this cocktail look yummy?

I'm just testing the waters!! There are a lot of people on this Thumb app! 85 people answered back to my cocktail question! I've instagrammed so much today when I click on a picture it goes into shrunken head mode! Maybe I should become addicted to doing my expenses for work...that sounds like it would be a productive addiction...

My father wants to meet for lunch tomorrow, and I think I know why. I've been spending quite a bit of money lately, and have run out of my own, so I've been taking money out of this account linked on my TD easy-web. If he asks me about it, I'll just apologize, and hopefully he'll forgive my greediness! The money is from selling my house, so I figure it's mine anyways, he should just let me have a little bit!!!! A girl needs to shop, and party, and buy every possible shade of pink nail polish invented!!!

Happy hump day <3

Oooh ps. double date at 1410 tonight with the smitten kittens (John and Martha)!! Cocktail time!! :)

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Tuesday Shoesday!!

Writing the title of this blog just made we want to run to the nearest shoe store and go shoe-crazy!! That would be shoe-tastic!! HELLO TUESDAY. I shall not be purchasing shoes today, unfortunately. I don't THINK I'll be buying shoes today...although I guess you never really know, do you?

Last night flag football was so much funner than I thought it was going to be! I think playing our last game in the rain made me strongly dislike football, but last night the sun was shining, and all was good!! I even caught the ball last night!! Shocking I know, although it was pretty much handed to me, so it would have been a lot more effort NOT catching the ball. After football, we headed to our teammates' abode for a BBQ!!! Wait, wait, reverse. Before the BBQ, we stopped at the Liquor Depot in Brentwood, which was quite the treat!! At the Liquor Depot, they have this wine tester machine with approximately 15 different wines you can try. I was in wine heaven, and probably had an epic smile on my face the whole time!!  I really couldn't tell you which wine was my favorite, or even one name of one of the delicious wines, what I can tell you is that I took full advantage of the free wine, which is clearly the most important thing!

Me and Damien bought a bottle of red, and I really can't wait to drink it!! Hopefully tonight will be a little wine night!!

Things I'm excited for: Potential wine night tonight! Double date with John and Martha tomorrow, Science Center date night Thursday!! WEEEOOOO!!!

Also: Tonight I need to watch Cougar Town, and catch up on the Game of Thrones episode from Sunday night!! I also really want popcorn!!

Happy Tuesday!!!

Monday 7 May 2012

I have a good feeling about this week!!

Hola Muchachos!! I should really stop trying to speak Spanish, clearly my Spanish 10 class from high school did not do me any good!!

The sun is shining in gorgeous Calgary, and I'm in a fabulous mood!! Did I mention I was going to do a pin-up photo shoot for Steph and Robyn's photographer friend? I'm super excited about it!! Steph suggested I do a tennis photo-op, and the photographer was thinking a surfer chick! EEK!!! I've been trying not to stuff my face with terrible food, so I'm not all belly self-conscious!

I've really been procrastinating about studying for my English and Social exams in June, and I've decided I really need to get on it. A couple of my friends didn't get into the program they wanted at MRU, which makes me feel fortunate that I did, which also makes me wonder why I'm not studying my butt off. Procrastination is such a crafty bitch!!!

It was Cinco de Mayo on Saturday and we all went to BEERFEST!!!! SO MUCH FUN!!! Even though the weather outside was insanely frightful, it was all good in the BMO center!! Me and Mel even hit the cashino afterwards to gamble our lives away!!! Gambling is so freakishly addictive!!! I wanted to go back yesterday, but going to the casino alone is kind of depressing, and you feel everyone is judging you, which they are. I lost 100 bucks in the sluts, and then won it back in roulette which was alright! Could have been a lot worse!! Mmm roulette. I'm so excited for Stampede, so I can gamble sans judgement for 10 days straight. Drunkenly sitting at a slot machine, putting 20 after 20 into it. Gambling is such an odd addiction, I'm guessing it's the thrill of winning that gets you coming back for more!! Yes, the winning...and the free coffee...and the alcohol...they also have some pretty tasty sandwiches, and a kick ass 2 dollar breakfast!! I need to stop talking about the casino now, it's going to take some willpower to forget it exists for a bit!! If you're reading this and have an addiction to gambling, I apologize, and completely understand!


Flag Football TONIGHT. shit.

Friday 4 May 2012

My Crazy Plant Lady

It's not easy being a single, gorgeous, 25 year old girl working in an office full of crazies, which is why girls should always have a fake boyfriend! I learned this valuable lesson when my company's plant lady asked me if I was single last summer. Since I WAS in fact single, I said I was, and then the worst thing ever happened: She asked me if I wanted to be set up with her son. Being set up by your plant lady is not like being set up by one of your gal pals, it's much much worse. CPL (crazy plant lady) asked me if I would like to come to her house for wine and appetizers, and meet her 21 year old son. As soon as she was serious about setting us up, I knew I had to get a fake bf ASAP. The next time I saw CPL, she asked me when would be a good time for me to come over to her house and meet her son, I very quickly said I had just started dating someone. The look in my plant lady's face was priceless, it looked as though I had just told her I set fire to all her precious plants (which she talks to daily). Ever since I told CPL I'm a taken woman, she asks me when I'm going to dump him and meet her son.

Lesson I've learned from this experience:  Do not tell crazy people you're single, and assume everyone is crazy, or else you could be put in endless awkward conversations! I think eventually I'm going to have to tell her me and my fake boyfriend are married so she stops pestering me to break up with him!

Thursday 3 May 2012

4 Hours till FREEDOM!!!

HELLO!!! Good almost afternoon!!

I'm back to blogging! WEEOOOH! Let's see what's been happening with me...marathon in 3 weeks (FML), BUT my dad's company is going to pay for my entry, so hello 100 bucks back!! My family got their taxes back already, but mine has yet to make an appearance!! I could really use that money for drinking this weekend!!

Last night me and Damien went to the Coup for dinner, and it was AMAZING!!!! Best date night so far! We had hummus with pita chips as an appy, and I had white wine sangria! Dames had the ginger beer, which was also delish!! For dinner I had the Thai pizza, and Dames got this Greek goddess bowl of healthy goodness!!! We had white wine with dinner which was so yummy!!! For dessert we had a lemon coconut cheesecake-ish square which was phenom!! I was really feeling everything we had last night, maybe it was the wine!! Mmm, it was like a dining experience! I'm pretty sure we were there for 2 and a half hours at least. Successful date night!

This weekend is going to be a blast!!! I took a half day tomorrow since it's my dad's retirement party at Booker's crab shack!!! Hahahah I was looking at Booker's menu, and it's not very vegetarian friendly! I think I decided my best bet was Jalapeno cornbread, corn on the cob, and yam fries! Friday night is also Martina's birthday party at the drum which will be a HOOT!! A little corn on the cob followed by some dancing! Saturday is CINQO DE MAYO!!! MUST DRINK MARGARITAS!!! Saturday is also Beerfest, which will be an utter shit show!! I'm going to park my fine ass in the ginger beer line and just chug chug chug. I predict a very fun weekend :)

Ooh I forgot to mention I'm getting my hair done after work today! 4:00pm can't come soon enough!!