Thursday 9 October 2014

Juicing Day 2, Phase 2 - Extreme Hunger Mixed with Exhaustion

WELP it's official, juicing is not my jam. I'm so tired and just want to eat some food. Yesterday I stuck to the juice and went to the gym, which was possibly not the brightest idea, and I was famished and so tired. Today I mayyyy have mildly cheated (don't tell Damien :/). I made it to around 1:00 p.m. and I was at work and there is a stash of Halloween candy at's not even the good Halloween candy, It's the Halloween candy you already go through like 100 times and then have the left over stuff you kind of pick at. I picked. I picked twice. I had a mini Mars bar and it was soooo freaking good that I went back for a mini Aero. I stopped there. Once I got home I had a couple fork fulls of rice with soy sauce and washed the fork promptly and put it was in the drawer. I wouldn't be so worried about him finding out except he said if I was good and stuck to the juices he would take me out for Sushi!! YUM!!! So, I'm being as good as a starving Stephanie can be so I can eat the world very very shortly. To wrap it all up, I'm not enjoying my juicing experience, I'm tired and my brain function is at a negative 5, my physical function is so bad i couldn't even open my jars of juice this morning. I guess we'll see how tomorrow goes, there has to be a light at the end of this juicing tunnel!!  

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