Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Thank FUCK it's WEDNESDAY!!!

One step closer to the weekend my friends! AND there's some bomb ass TV on tonight!! Modern Family, The Challenge, Happy Endings! Last night I was the queen of productivity!! I stopped at the grocery store after work to get ingredients for Veggie Chili! Since I'm broke as balls after Vegas, I went cheapo and only bought a select few ingredients for my chili, such as: Peppers, corn, onions, beans, chick peas, tomatoes, and then added some tomato sauce...I also added some basil, hot sauce, garlic powder, salt and pepper, and chili powder! It was actually pretty good for my first attempt at Veggie Chili, and it only cost me 10 bucks! I wanted to add some Veggie Ground Round, which would have been good, but it was 5 bucks, and let's face it, I can not afford the finer things in life right now! Along with stopping at the grocery store and making chili, I also washed the chocolate drizzle off my sheets and did so much laundry!! I even found time to shower before dames came over! SO productive!! I'm pretty much Suzy homemaker over here!

I tried to be good last night, so I didn't eat dessert and my weight is still the sameeeeeee....why god whyyyy!!! Even after running at lunch, then running around like a crazy person doing household shit, you'd think atleast one pound would come off!!! Whatever. I need to go to yoga tonight. Maybe that will help.

Dames went boarding at Sunshine yesterday and bought me the cutest toque!! Pink <3 I'm pretty much ready for winter now....haha although spring is just around the corner! Tomorrow's March already which means it's pretty much the Summer right?? 3 months till June!!! CRAZY!!!

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